I think you are missing your chance for a Teaching Moment.
Since the central part of the post in question was just a dozen or so words… won’t you take a moment to explain what was inaccurate?
“BioLogos … where science trumps theology even when Genesis specifically teaches a 6 day Creation scenario…”
BioLogos < I think that’s right.
Genesis specifically teaches a 6 day Creation scenario < this is a common enough phrasing … are you saying that I must say Seven days? Or that Genesis doesn’t teach this?
science trumps theology < Are you saying BioLogos is not interested in the scientific views of Evolution trumping theologically-based Evangelical views for Young Earth Creation?
My brief post was simply reinforcing what Jonathan said to fmiddel:
fmiddel: “Ah…so theology defaults to science where science is established?”
Jon: “Yes, especially on matters where the Bible is silent.”
… but I wanted to draw attention to what I thought was a fact - - that even when the Bible ISNT silent… science frequently trumps theology.