In other words… my conclusions are not compatible with the premises of your theology which I do not accept. How is that a surprise?
Let me remind you of when I explained what I believe in response to your query: What are your basic fundamentals of belief - #3 by mitchellmckain particularly the narrative starting with “An infinite God having everything…”
There was no such warning about dangers of disobedience. You made that up. And this is a fabrication very convenient for those using religion for power over others.
There is no punishing a machine. There is only using a machine and discarding it when it does not fulfill any useful function.
There was no casting out of Lucifer from heaven before the birth of Jesus.
The only thing which is not according to God’s plan are the self-destructive habits of human beings (called sin) misusing the gifts which God gave us.
Jesus did not die for our sins. Jesus died for our salvation from sin and the restoration of our relationship with God. What Jesus said repeatedly was, “your sins are forgiven so go and sin no more.” No magic or miracle was needed for God to forgive, the miracle is for us to change and shed these bad habits which are destroying us.
The dilemmas you see are all in your theology not mine. And I have no idea what so called screwup you are concocting from that. We are not machines because we are not a product of design but of our own choices. You give an amazing amount of power to the devil in your thinking which is frankly the same abdication of responsibility we see in Adam and Eve.