Do Evolutionary Theory And Scripture Contradict Each Other?


Okay cowpokes … it’s time to get those rodeo horses out into the center … so everyone can see them.

So, let’s tackle the question about how scientifically sound Evolution is:

Authors: Daniel Tumminelli O’Brien, David Sloan Wilson and Patricia H. Hawley write:
“A firm grasp of evolution is invaluable for understanding our own species in addition to the rest of the biological world…
Darwin’s theory of evolution is the most powerful explanatory and predictive tool available for the study of living things…”

They sound half-hearted . . .
Editors Gaymon Bennett, Ted Peters, Martinez Joseph Hewlett, Robert John Russell, on page 9 of the book The Evolution of Evil write: “… after a century and a half of confirmation … combined with the field of genetics, the neo-Darwinian synthesis has become the most reliable theory regarding speciation and related biological phenomena. Today it provides foundational conceptual orientation for the most exciting and productive areas of genomic and post-genomic biological research and engineering. Theologians dealing with he problem of evil and the natural world must take up the challenges of an evolutionary perspective.”

Author Gerhard Lenski, on page 5 of his book Ecological-Evolutionary Theory: Principles and Applications writes:
“Of all the instances of [emergence/divergence], the most important are those that underlie the distinctions we make between physical, chemical, biological, and sociocultural evolution. In each instance, an important threshold was crossed an entirely new mode of evolution was set in motion. Thus, stellar evolution laid the foundation for chemical evolution, which, in turn, laid the foundation for biological evolution, which eventually, led to the evolution of human societies. In other words, one of the basic principles of modern evolutionary theory is that t’the evolutionary process itself evolves (Boulding, 1970; Lenski and Lenski, 1974). It follows that the various evolutionary theories are not only linked by similar … principles and concepts, but more importantly they are linked substantivgely in a causal process in which each new mode of evolutionary change has laid the foundation for the next mode of such change.”

Link to Google Books: Ecological-Evolutionary Theory, by G. Lenski

The Portsmouth Institute wrote on pages 40-41 of the book, Modern Science, Ancient Faith: Portsmouth Review:
“Theology, I suggest, now requires fresn and unembarrassed expression in evolutionary terms. Any other option is unacceptable pastorally as well as intellectually, now that evolution has become the most important single idea in all of science… A sound theology of evolution must add that the promissory perspective of biblical faith invites us to envision the entire history of cosmic events, including all its wilder episodes, as the story of an emergent freedom called to ever deeper intimacy with God.”

[link pending]

Any interpretation is man-made. Or do you believe God still divinely inspires us as for example John or Paul or Ellen White or Joseph Smith?


So … when we compare the Book of Chronicles to the Books of Kings and Samuel and Genesis … and the names don’t agree, or the numbers or counts don’t agree… and the genealogies don’t agree …

… this is because these books are man-made, right?

Oh, no.
I didn’t mean that in the way you interpreted it. I do think that different interpretations of scripture from man-made sources are definitely fallible. What I really meant by that question is: Which areas of scripture do you think are interpreted wrongly, and how? What are your interpretations of these areas of scripture?

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What do YOU specifically think are the 4 best evidences for the theory of Evolution?

Can you give some specifics here (as reading, and marking, all of the counts and genealogies does not sound terribly appetizing at the moment)?

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How do you now interpret the scripture which Evolution has caused you to reinterpret?

I would not say that evolution has caused me to reinterpret, but insights learned from the evolutionary process have let me better appreciate the way God uses time and circumstances to achieve his purpose.
It seems that is the norm for how God works, rather than the exception. He used process in creation, both in the Genesis account and through evolution, he did it through Abraham, through Isreal, and he continues working through process in the gospel message as N T Wright illustrated in his discussion of the parable of the sower.

What do you think of this article from Answers in Genesis: Does Distant Starlight Prove the Universe Is Old? | Answers in Genesis

Could you explain some of the evidence supporting the hypothesis that the speed of light was radically different about 6000 years ago?

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Oh let me, let me! The speed of light is different because the Bible says so. Do I get a gold star? :slight_smile:

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What really confuses me is: If God used Evolution to create and diversify living things, why didn’t he say so in His word? Evolution seems to be easy enough to explain that it could fit into Genesis…And if you consider the Creation account to be a parable of sorts, don’t you think the language used is rather misleading, even deceptive, as to that intended purpose? Nowhere in Genesis does it say: "Here is a parable describing how, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."
If you want to believe in evolution, it just strikes me that you HAVE to either drastically reinterpret, or throw out, a lot of scripture.
“ALL scripture is BREATHED OUT BY GOD and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” (emphasis added)

Do you believe in the Big Bang? (I doubt it, but just checking)

I would say because there was not a living soul for thousands of years that would understand any of the concepts involved.

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Ever been to a doctor? They use something known as the Germ Theory. Think that is in the Bible? Don’t you think it is kind of important as it provided the antibiotics that save countless lives? Why didn’t God put THAT in the Bible?

You joking? But yes I believe in the Big Bang. It is right there in Genesis 1:1.

Back up to 2 Timothy 3:15 (which everyone who quotes 16-17 leaves out) “and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus”

So WHY were the scriptures written? For your salvation. Is the origin of life a salvation issue? Only to Ken Ham as far as I know.

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Is it now?..
“In the beginning, God created a star of sorts which he caused to explode just so in order to create all matter and energy which he then used to create the heavens and the earth.”

Are you insinuating that modern humans are more intelligent than ancient humans?

Not at all, it just took thousands for years for the necessary discoveries to be made.

Then why there is such a great debate today (thousands of years later), with the side against evolution claiming to be “for the word of God?” (If God actually did use evolution, He could have made Genesis more like Moses and the plagues, where we read exactly what Moses did in order to manufacture the plagues. I mean this as in, He could say (this is written in a more satirical sense): “In the beginning, God created a star of sorts which he caused to explode just so in order to create all matter and energy which he then used to create the heavens and the earth” rather than what is actually written in Genesis 1:1).

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You might want to learn a little bit about what the Big Bang actually means because you didn’t describe it for sure.

Thanks, the context was escaping me.
What do you believe Jesus came to save us from such that we need faith in him in order to be saved from it?