Divine causality

It is not about calculation but about the measurements from written procedures anyone can follow to get the same results. This provides a reasonable expectation that others should agree. But logic alone only works from premises accepted on faith and it is not reasonable to expect other people to accept them just because you say so.

You are right in that I see no substantial objectivity in the things of religion. The value I see in religion comes from the fact that life requires subjective participation and the objective observation of science is therefore inadequate for living our lives. Thus subjectivity is the whole point of religion and the only reason I can see for pretending to objectivity in religion is a desire to force ones religion on other people.

Yes. In those circumstances I would expect atheists and naturalists to be the less thoughtful ones on average.

Interesting. I was not aware of this book and the idea is intriguing. Kenosis is central to my own Christian faith. the idea of God sustaining creation sounds too much like pantheism and a dreamer God to me, but perhaps this book will give a different way of thinking about it, because creation as kenosis sound like the opposite to me. I just ordered the book by interlibrary loan.

I am certainly in favor of that. I did my masters thesis at seminary on the Metaphysical Implications of Contemporary Physics. But implications are not the same as objective findings.

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