Discussion of chapter 5 from Hart's The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss

Science measures. Order. Unintentional. And intentional. Like this message. Meaning is measurable. Where is the meaning in unintentional order?

I agree that using creationism to argue for the philosophical position of determinism is equally inappropriate. Who does that? Apart from predestinarian primitives. Consciousness is obviously deterministic of ultimately indeterminate nature. A consequence, among everything else communicated, of the collapse of multiple eigenstate superposition of wave functions. For here we are. I could never use creationism as anything other than an argument for the philosophical position of determinism. Strong in this case.

And as for what Dennett argues, in his own words, where?

I am conscious… that only nature explains that. And that we can never understand what it is saying. How a bag of enzymes can know that it is just a bag of enzymes. I don’t see what the problem is. What the gap is that allows for utter unnecessary nonsense like mass is to consciousness as the Higgs field is to…?