Discovery Institute Exposed

If you don’t understand the difference between history and mechanism then that suggests you don’t understand how science works.



I suspect you’re being sarcastic, but as it happens, you’re right – investigation of how multicellularity could have evolved is a thriving and productive area of research, including both theoretical and experimental studies. You can find references to a number of experiments that caused simple multicellularity to evolve in the lab in this article.

You really should make the effort to learn more about evolution – it’s a fascinating subject.


Well said. One could also complain that since no original copies of the books of the Bible exist (“autographs”) we have no idea what they said.


You have been answered by two PhDs, both professionally active in the field, and your question more than suggests that you have not been doing your homework (e.g., reading the conversation I pointed to).


No, I wasn’t being sarcastic.

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Post deleted

Can you reproduce a replica of the Grand Canyon with an eye dropper? That is comparable to what your now deleted question was suggesting we should be able to do.

With all due respect to scientists, if you gave the evolutionary scientists of the world 100 years to produce (evolve) a eurkaryote from a prokaryote, they wouldn’t even know how to get to first base, let alone actually achieve such a feat … so much for knowing how evolution works!

This is why I advocate ID … when faced with God’s awesome power and creation, science and human intellect are left floundering, stumbling around in the dark.

I don’t know.

True, but because that progression was so primitive, and involved squishy microscopic organisms, it would be expected to leave no trace. Without fossils, you will be left with a greater degree of speculation. Is that not legitimate?

Most of what is known about how evolution works has been gained by starting in the present and working backwards. Works for troubleshooting, does it not? The principles of evolution are then based on solid evidence, and hypothesis about the very dim past is based on those principles. Again, that would seem to be a reasonable way of going about such investigation.


Thanks. That is an indicator to us that maybe this conversation is futile since you are not really engaging in thinking.

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Which of the fossils in your collection is your favourite?

If I proposed that the fossil record was the result of aliens coming to earth and performing feats of genetic engineering, would that be scientific or unscientific?

(As far as I know, it is not unscientific to suggest that intelligent aliens exist somewhere in the universe.)

This one.

So, why on Earth does a good altar boy read The Philadelphia Trumpet? To see how the enemy, your former friends, think?

In order for your statement to be scientific you would need a testable model. That model would need to address the twin nested hierarchies of morphology and DNA sequence, at a minimum.


In my eyes, suggesting on the balance of probabilities that space fungus might exist on Europa, is not the same as suggesting that UFOs built the pyramids or monkeyed with human biology…

And yet, how do proponents of ID tell the difference between divine intervention and alien engineering exactly? Couldn’t all this evidence for Intelligent Design be evidence of an extraterrestrial super intelligence? Genuine questions.


So you think understanding how evolution allowed an organism to develop a new trait implies that the understander must therefore be able to reproduce the same change under laboratory conditions? That is pretty weird. After all evolution doesn’t start with a goal and then find a way to achieve it.

Maybe not if you have the first clue of how to test such an idea. But it is pretty far off base to suggest that suggesting stuff is akin to doing scientific research.

Especially since the trait in question evolved once in 3.5 billion years, starting from organisms that don’t exist anymore under conditions we don’t know.


Everyone knows it was leprechauns.