So what specific differences are you talking about, and in what sense do you think those specific differences can not be produced by common descent and evolution?
What you’re trying to do is ignore what we’ve learned about the genetic and molecular mechanisms of embryonic development. You want to stay with the 19th-century understanding of organisms being plastic, so you can say that it doesn’t look like all that much of a difference to go from gastrulation by involution through a blastopore to gastrulation by ingression via a primitive streak (and maybe suggest how it could be achieved through small morphological changes). But that’s an evolution of the gaps! You’re relying on what we don’t yet know to give a loophole for evolution to act. Currently, we may not be able to specify exactly what genomic changes would be required to make changes such as this in development, but it will come.
If we are talking about the human genome, then the vast majority of mutations are neutral. Only about 10% of the human genome shows evidence of selection against deleterious mutations. The rest is evolving at a rate consistent with neutral fixation.
What is your evidence to support that?
That’s not what that paper says. What that paper is saying is that neutral mutations will only evolve neutrally in 5% of the human genome.
Yes it is. In the section you quote it might only be implicit, but later (penultimate para) they say explicitly:
Together with the restriction to regions with high recombination rates, this rule narrows down the fraction of the genome that is neutrally evolving to 5%.
Epistasis. Mutations that are initially neutral can interact with future mutations and result in a beneficial change.
Of course the expression of some genes is affected by neighbouring (or further afield) sequences. It’s part of how development works. But what you’re relying on is that neutral mutations will work in this way and have a constructive effect. In theory it can happen, but only with a probability of something like 1 in 10^18 if two specific bases are involved, in 10^27 if three, etc. You are relying on good luck (or magic).
The only hole is the one you have invented.
I’ve not invented it, but I do recognise it.
It has nothing to do with what I want. We can see the mutations that separate genomes, and those are the ones responsible for the differences in morphology. We know that neutral mutations can reach fixation, and we also know that beneficial phenotypes that result from the interaction of two or more mutations will be selected for. We can observe that they are useful. There’s no Sharpshooter fallacy here.
The key phrase here is ‘we also know that beneficial phenotypes that result from the interaction of two or more mutations will be selected for’. It’s true, but the chance of the right mutations that will give a beneficial interaction is very low, as I’ve just said.
You are still pretending as if there is only one possible beneficial mutation in any given genome.
No, what I was illustrating with the dice is that as the probability decreases you need to roll more dice or more often.
For the example of resistance, there are only a few possible beneficial mutations, all in the same gene so far as I’m aware. For the vertebrate genome there will of course be many locations where beneficial mutations could in theory occur. Eg current estimate is up to 25,000 genes for humans, and quite likely there’ll be several possible locations for each of these. But to get a constructive change to embryonic development, at a minimum you’d need to make a constructive change to an existing control sequence, probably to several and/or the genes of corresponding transcription factors. This would require many coordinated mutations. So, whilst the number of opportunities increases, the overall chance of making a constructive change decreases. And of course population size is much smaller and generation time is much longer.
It will also be susceptible to fixation.
I think you may misunderstand what fixation means in population genetics. It only means that a mutation becomes a normal part of a population’s genome (close to, if not at 100%).
gene fixation
The condition in which a particular allele becomes the only one that is present in a population, because of either natural selection or genetic drift. [Oxford reference]
It does not mean that it is then immune to further change (like Dawkins’ METHINKS…). However, I see from Wikipedia’s entry that maybe others share this misperception.
In population genetics, fixation is the change in a gene pool from a situation where there exists at least two variants of a particular gene (allele) in a given population to a situation where only one of the alleles remains. In the absence of mutation or heterozygote advantage, any allele must eventually be lost completely from the population or fixed (permanently established at 100% frequency in the population). [Fixation (population genetics) - Wikipedia]
‘Permanently established’ is wrong. If a specific location presents an advantage then natural selection will offer some protection. But a neutral location will not benefit from this, and will be as susceptible to change as any other location.