Did bones actually become fossilized in the sediments of "ancient" epeiric (inland) seas on continents?

While I obviously have not personally watched processes taking place over more than a few decades, that is enough time for certain geologic settings to encase shells and bones into rock (particularly for carbonate settings). I have collected a huge number of fossils as well as recent shells and have seen the patterns of change through time. I have organized major museum fossil collections. I have seen the sediments that the fossils are in. I have studied geology. Thus, I do have some relevant observations. You have not observed tsunamis do any of the things that you claim that they do - think carefully whether you are being consistent in your standards.

The young-earth flood is not biblical. Genesis 2 indicates that the geography of Eden is recognizable today, whereas modern young-earth models have a flood supposedly depositing much of the geologic column (though they can’t figure out which parts are during versus before versus after). Flood geology arguments also do not honor God in their quality and are unbiblical in that sense as well.

Certainly a slow and gradual rise in oceans can deposit millions of cubic kilometers of ocean sediments across large parts of North America. Just think about how much sediment is deposited on our beaches today.

Deposition according to Walther’s Law is incompatible with giant tsunamis. The Tapeats Sandstone is coastal sand. At the same time, in deeper water, you have mud, which became the Bright Angel Shale. Further out, beyond where most of the mud and sand eroding off the land has accumulated, much of the sediment is carbonate skeleton bits form ocean life, which becomes the Muav Limestone. As the ocean gradually rises, the beach gradually moves inland, followed by the clay mud, followed by the lime mud. If the young-earth model were true, they should all be mixed together in a tsunami-style deposit, not side by side and gradually replacing each other. The types of fossil change as you go up in each of these layers, showing that each one was deposited over vast amounts of time.

If you go to a rocky coastline such as the west or northeastern coasts of the US, you may see basement granite eroding. Your claims that ordinary erosion could not do that are based on personal incredulity, not on actually investigating geological processes.

Speeding up plate tectonics to largely take place during a one year flood requires earth-vaporizing amounts of energy. The pattern of volcanoes is incompatible with a young earth - the series such as in the Hawaiian-Emperor chain each must have time to build up, then erode, as they slowly move over the hot spot.

Tsunamis cannot form the individual layers of the Castille Formation - tsunamis cannot deposit fine layers of gypsum and organic-rich limestone over a hundred miles. Even if they could, that would require 11.5 tsunamis per day for an entire year, just to form the Castille. You are not checking whether your explanations actually work; rather, you just trying to use “tsunami” as an explanation for everything while denying that conventional geology works. The reality, however, is that many things can happen in a few billion years - there is room for a lot of different processes in earth history, whereas there is not room in a young-earth model. God works miracles, but not ones that merely serve to make it look like the miracle didn’t happen. Old-earth geology works for finding resources and for matching what we actually observe in the geologic record. Young-earth geology is entirely an effort to make a particular interpretation of Genesis 1 seem more credible; it does not work if you actually want to find anything in the earth.


You’re welcome! How much more should I focus on “the only thing” whatever that is?

And a better word than dissimulation is of course disingenuity. Although you have nailed your matters of religion to the mast now.

Through starlight, we can see directly into the past for billions of years. If there was a change in the physical constants needed for faster decay times then we would see it in that starlight, but it isn’t there.

It is also worth pointing out that you also depend on these same assumptions. The physics of sedimentation are just as dependent on these physical constants as radioactive decay. What would you think if someone claimed the density of water could have been different in the past as a way of discounting your claims? When your only defense is to invent completely different laws of physics in order to explain away problematic evidence then you really don’t have a good argument.


Another serious question I have, is if the flood deposited those thousands of feet deep sediments, where did the sediment come from? An ancient earth has an easy answer consistent with the types and amount of sediment layers, that is that the sediments have been ground down from basement rock and recycled basement rock over millions of years. The young earth model seems to only have sediment being created de novo and put in place at the time of creation, from what I can see. The problem is the same one of cosmology, geology, lake varves, tree rings, and ice layers, and that is that those layers of sediment speak to a history, a history that the young earth interpretation will tell you never existed. What then does that say of God? And of God’s word we read in Psalm 19 and Romans 1 that tells of creation telling us of who God is?


Yeah but those billions of years aren’t real and six thousand years is because the Bible tells us so
or Jesus didn’t die for your sins THEREFORE the physical constants AREN’T.

This is what the LORD says: If I have not established my covenant with the day and the night and the fixed laws of heaven and earth…
Jeremiah 33:25

This refutes the YEC argument about the Kaibab uplift and the Grand Canyon in 11 seconds:


The elapsed time clocks God engineered into the cosmos for us to discover and learn how to use validate and calibrate each other:

This is about extinct radioactive atoms, not radiometric dating:
Radioactive Atoms — Evidence about the Age of the Earth - Ken Wolgemuth

New evidence always supports the antiquity of the earth, and it continues to build:

Love it – bat breath testifies to an old earth: :grin:

And the evidence goes on and on.

It is reprehensible that YECism is so frequently so closely identified with Christianity in the U.S. as to be integral to it.

Augustine: The Literal Meaning of Genesis – GeoChristian

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At first, angiosperm fossils were found only as early as the Cretaceous, but then were discovered in layers thought to be over 100 million years earlier (250 mya).

Who knows if such fossils might not be found even earlier in the record? So it’s hard to tell just when they “could no longer run for high ground.”

In any case, in the Flood model, the fossil record is not the record of life as proposed by the evolutionary model, but the record of death–catastrophic death. It is not the record of organisms evolving into existence, but the record of them being suddenly–and overwhelmingly–taken out of existence.

While you try to poke fun at the Flood, the Apostle Peter warned that God’s judgment of the world in the Flood is the guarantee of His future judgment of the world by fire–and he assures us it will not be just a “local” fire. Remember 2 Peter 3?

On the other hand, Paul warns that often the “wise, educated” world thinks us Christians to be fools for believing in the “foolish” gospel. But, in reality, they are the fools as they reject their only hope for salvation. “Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?” (1 Corinthians 1:20).

And Paul warns us fellow Christians that we must not sell out on biblical truth in order to be loved by the world, but instead must be willing to join him (a very educated man!) in being “fools for Christ’s sake,” 1 Corinthians 4:10.

And what fools Christians are who, to avoid being called fools by the world, join the world in its ignorance of the fossil record. Instead of leading the world in the truth, they are following the world in its proud ignorance of God and His Word.

2 Peter 3 identifies those who scoff at Christ’s 2nd Coming to judge the world as the same ones who are blind to God’s judgment of the world the first time, with the Flood–he says that the evidence for the Flood is “hiding” from these proud scoffers. In other words, this evidence of the Flood is playing “Hide and Seek” with scoffers–and it’s winning!

And it will continue to win, until they humble themselves before God’s truth–accepting the
ridicule of the world.

But how could the evidence of a worldwide Flood be clearer? Marine fossils (and over 95% of fossils are of ocean creatures)…packed in marine covering every continent…

…except this is a rabbit trail. It’s for another thread.

Meanwhile, how do you account for the fact that the fossil record contains billions of fossilized bones (mostly marine) that evolutionary science claims were formed by bones falling into ancient inland seas–when empirical testing shows that bones are completely consumed by scavengers and bacteria when drifting down into sea sediments, thus preventing bones from becoming fossilized.

Address this please.

By the way, another example of such complete consumption of bones by scavengers and bacteria in seas: 1500 men went down with the Titanic in 1912. The Titanic wreckage has been discovered and explored. So, where are the bones of these 1500 men? Completely consumed. In fact, their trousers have even been found–but no bones inside!

The truth revealed in the Bible and the truth revealed in God’s creation cannot conflict. If they appear to, then the interpretation of one or the other or both is in error. Did you read or even look at any of the articles that dealt with science that I posted? (I used to be a YEC btw, but thankfully I did not have to go through the trauma that many have when they came to understand the science.)

Citation please. We have some real scientists here that can address that directly if they haven’t already. Oh, a few have… @paleomalacologist, @T_aquaticus and @Paraleptopecten.

You can cherry pick things here and there which may appear to support YECism in isolation, but the massive preponderance of evidence across multiple disciplines is the true global flood.

How about the Kaibab uplift, the Hawaiian island chain or the girdled rocks?

I’m not sure.

However, what we all know is that massive loads of ocean sediments were, at some time in our past, deposited upon the continents. In fact, using Rockworks software, Dr. Tim Clarey (geologist and hydrologist) has figured that 55 million cubic kilometers of ocean sediments (with some eroded sediments mixed in) lie upon the North American craton.

And it lies 1 to 2 miles thick, not only on our continent, but on other continents as well.

So, this is something we know–we don’t have to hypothesize about.

We also know a certain amount of hydrodynamic power was required to pick up this load (in addition to the billions of marine organisms) from the ocean and beach…then transport and deposit it across the continents (over six megasequences). In fact, scientists should be able to do the math on this–figuring the needed hydrodynamics.

Then, we need to ask ourselves, "So how would such hydrodynamics be produced? Would it be by slowly, slowly rising sea levels over millions of years, that v e r y gradually spill over onto the continents (as currently proposed by evolutionary scientists)?

Or, wouldn’t much stronger, more powerful hydrodynamics be required? And, wouldn’t plate tectonics provide the energetic waters that could provide such power?

Again, something we know: there are over 30,000 miles of subduction zones, indirectly resulting from the 45,000 miles of seafloor rifting that occurred. And we know that such subduction zones, among other things, would produce a series of powerful tsunamis.

(PDF) How not to become a fossil-Taphonomy of modern whale falls (researchgate.net)

Actually, there are several studies of this under the heading of “Whale Falls.” So, just Google it, and start reading.
By the way, you might think also about what was not found when the Titanic wreckage was discovered. What was not found were the bones of the 1500 men who went down into the sea sediments with this wreckage. In fact, their trousers were found! But their bones had been completely consumed by bacteria.

More evidence that bones in the fossil record did not become fossilized by drifting down into the sediments of ancient inland seas…as is popularly taught by evolutionary scientists.

To become fossilized, bones do not fall into sediments, but the sediments must (massively!) fall upon the bones!

The Defeat of Flood Geology by Flood Geology

Really? Where does it say that evidence for the flood is “hiding” from us or worse, playing hide and seek?

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This is a rabbit hole with no outlet. It’s full of cherries though.

So have you actually observed the trasport of this sediment? Is the sediment labeled "imported from the Pacific Ocean? What we do know is that you are wholesale ignoring geology, including references already provided to you last year.

This whole how thread is a redux of the previous year’s Geological Megasequences where was explained why giant tsunami’s were not the origin of the Sloss megasequences, including the statement by the man himself:

L. L. Sloss, 1964, Tectonic Cycles of the North American Craton:

The writer concludes that the history of the North American craton for the past 600-700 million years includes six major episodes of changing tectonic behavior.

The whole transport idea is incoherent. Why would one ocean have sediment and the other not have it’s own, to begin with? Furthermore, a great deal of the sedimentation of the central plains is erosion from the Rockies.

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2 Peter 3:5,6–“For when they maintain this (namely, ‘all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation,’ DP), it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water, through which the world at that time was destroyed being flooded with water.”

“Escapes their notice” translates the Greek word “lanthano,” which is used in the active voice to convey the meaning of “hiding.” What “escapes their (i.e., scoffers’) notice” is the fact or evidence that “the world at that time was destroyed being flooded with water.”

So, the evidence of the Flood “hides” itself from scoffers/mockers–that is, those who not only ignore, but mock, the word of God.

So, Peter, by divine inspiration, is saying that clear evidence exists for this world-destroying Flood–it’s right under our noses, actually. But to see it, there must be a humble, trusting attitude towards God and His Word.

So, let me ask you, Beaglelady: How can you deny the Flood (and Peter identifies it as a “world” Flood) when the Apostle Peter–an Apostle of Jesus Christ–clearly speaks of its historicity?

Not only are tsunami’s causing glogal megasequences, and speeded up decay, unsupported by scientific evidence, they are not in the Bible either.

The evidence is not hidden. It has been carefully examined in whole and detail by the US geological survey, academics, and industry.