Did bones actually become fossilized in the sediments of "ancient" epeiric (inland) seas on continents?

Even before it was codified, the atonement/propitiation principle underlay the offering of animal sacrifices–and with this, the understanding of which animals were “clean,” and so, which were to be offered as sacrifices.

This is evident from Genesis 9:4, where the eating of animal blood–i.e., the blood of clean animals–was strictly forbidden; the explanation for this restriction was not explained and codified until Leviticus 17:11.

It seems you would rather create a problem (in an effort to just dismiss the whole biblical Flood account?) than simply read the text.

What it clearly tells us does away with your insistence the land was just “saline muck.”

In Genesis 8:13, we read that before Noah and his family left the ark, “the water was dried up from the earth.”

Then, again, to be sure we got the point, Genesis 8:14 says that at that time, “the earth was dry.”

So, your “muck” hypothesis has just been falsified.

By catastrophically burying them under tons of ocean sediments.

Yes. And I’m assuming you have, too.

It wasn’t revealed to Noah

Genesis 9 only forbids eating blood, and says nothing about clean vs unclean animals. All animals are suitable for eating. Just read the text.

So it was a magical Bible flood. No salt water.

It is how extrapolation works. We do not have data on the deaths of a sufficient number of whales to give an exact likelihood of preservation, but I am pretty confident that it is above 1/100,000,000,000, given the number of intact human skeletons we have.

They fall apart easily. The pieces of crinoids and bivalves are primarily held together by organic components and usually fall apart after death (bivalve ligaments are very tough organic components, and can last for hundreds of millions of years under optimal conditions). They are sometimes buried soon after death (or, in the case of bivalves that burrow under the seafloor, they may be buried before death).

And that is the point. They can also be unchanged for millions of years.

That’s what my question is based on too: a bucket of water from washing fossils sitting in the garage for a few days.

Not particularly, I focus on upper Tertiary deposits.

Yes, the order in some material that I am familiar with goes

Erosion surface, with riverine sand and freshwater clams
Abundant conoideas, and other mid-shelf taxa
Abundant shallow-shelf taxa like Oliva, Busycon, and truncatellidans
Beach sand with Donax and Crassostrea
Riverine sand with freshwater clams
Erosion surface

Which reflects a succession of environments in the same location, each around for at least a few decades (given that many of the large shells live that long).

I am talking about deposits which are primarily marine in origin.

With fossils in them which are much bigger than the individual sediment grains. The sediment which forms the matrix is sorted, but the deposit as a whole is not. Busycon contrarium (to 270 mm), Limacina (to 1.2 mm), and clay-sized mud (to 0.06 mm) present in a single deposit is not very size-sorted. Pyconodonte surrounded by lithified clay was not size-sorted after the Pycnodonte was alive.


How? How were a pod of whales catastrophically buried late during Noah’s Flood? In September 2348 BCE. There was a billion cubic miles more water about. More water than in the sea today again (where’d all that go?). Therefore less than half the salt; less buoyancy… ahhhhh! They drowned.

The merely rational, merely scientific, merely evidence based explanation is fascinating detective work.

What is also fascinating is that 40% of the top 10 forum topics rage over Old Testament literalism and have nothing whatsoever to do with the proposition of God in Christ and the morality that flows from that.

The next 10 only has 10% but the 3rd tranche has 70% creationist topics. 40% in the top 30.

I shouldn’t be surprised that faith and science are still down in the basement, imprisoned together. That only one public thread, The End of Apologetics, 3%, approaches the enlightened reaches.

Ohhhhhhhh yes it was. You need to read a tad more widely: Gen. 7:2, 8

All it does is demonstrate reading back Exilic and Second Temple Judaism anachronistically in to foundation myth storytelling.

Or, of course, that God instructed Noah in kosher while he was building - Voobah! Voobah! - the ark from 2468 BCE for 120 years.

Yes God tells Noah to take clean and unclean animals on the ark. Then after the flood God decides they’re all clean after all! Gen 9:3 Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you.

Good points. Karl Giberson used to say that only nature gets to vote.

So is that a contradiction? And is that what the post-Exilic editors believed?

I’ve gone into hiding. Please don’t turn me in.

Actually the account of the Flood we have in the Bible is actually two different contradictory accounts that have been merged.

Ah yes, Elohist and Jahwist. Thanks.

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How do you reach that conclusion? What is it about those sediments that indicate they were created rapidly?


You mean this philosophy?

IOW, ignore evidence if it contradicts a specific interpretation of scripture.


If the oceans were already on the craton then they would deposit the sediment transported from erosion on the continents to the ocean bottom. Not that hard to figure out. As the ocean slowly moved onto the continent over millions of years we would get the very patterns you are pointing to.


Actually, the same evidence we are able to see: marine fossils across the continents.

For example, listen to what Tertullian (A.D. 200) had to say:
“There was a time when the whole globe underwent change, because it was overrun by all waters. To this day, marine shells and tritons’ (Triceratops, probably) horns lay as foreign objects on the mountains–eager to prove to Plato that even the heights have been undulated. Eventually, by ebbing out, the globe again underwent a change of form.”

What??? You’re obviously not reading what I have actually written.

The presence of marine fossils in the mountains just shows that an area was under water at one point, And that the area subsequently underwent geological uplift.

Tertullian was not a contemporary of St. Peter.

Note; Tritons Horns are shells, not triceratops horns. (Triceratops do not live under water.)