Did a Global Flood really happen? If not, why does the Bible describe one?

I have earth in my front yard. I accidentally flooded it once with the hose.

Are you familiar with the phrase “Eretz Israel”?

I have no dog in the climate fight.

I was simply responding to the dismissal of climate change merely by “looking out the window.” That’s not necessarily legitimate evidence.

Is it?

An I say the same to you,you have ignored the comments I have made in favor of a false idea.

Evidently you have not heard Obama on the subject or Bill Nye! freaking out is the correct term to use.:blush:

Any comments made in favor of a false idea are usually worth ignoring. Right? :smirk:

No, but seriously, the definition of eretz has been clarified a few times already, but that argument has been consistently and outright ignored. Why?

It could be translated “the whole earth.”

It could just as appropriately be translated “the whole land.”

Why are you ignoring that?

@martin I understand where you’re coming from. The last thing I am trying to do is invalidate Holy text. I hope you understand that this is not an issue I take lightly or without careful prayer. I try to be conscience of Paul’s advice and avoid divisive arguments over ‘endless genealogies’ and trivialities. However, I also believe that these conversations are the meat of spiritual growth because the original text offers SO much depth that can be lost after translation. In fact, I was just reading that Romans 1:17 can read as either ‘righteousness of God’ or ‘righteousness from God’ and in fact likely meant both to the actual Church in Rome. That, to me, is REALLY cool and the English language generally doesn’t function like that and so the depth is lost without study. The point I am getting it, and that @Christy made, is that neither Moses nor God wrote ‘Earth’ in Genesis 6. They wrote ‘kol erets’ which can mean either whole Earth or whole land. This by itself does not exclude the possibility of an Earth-wide flood. However, God had a Jewish word that uniquely references the entire globe and chose not to use it. That why I do not think that the Bible actually describes an earth wide flood.


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I do not think Jesus was crazy when he spoke of the flood nor do i think God was crazy when he told Noah that he himself would bring all the animals to the ark And for me to doubt what Jesus said, I would be telling my self that Jesus was mistaken or telling lies and was NOT the son of God as the Bible claims and to say that would be error because the Bible says that he{Jesus} was without sin.{Colossians 2:9 {for in him{Jesus} dwells all the fullness of deity in Bodily form. Now look that scripture up and tell me HOW Jesus could be wrong at all if ALL of deity {of God}exist in him{Jesus} in bodily form? It is my fear that we do NOT accept the Bible for what it says and WE will be at fault at the judgement. and Christ will say to us “oh ye of little faith. It was written and you believed not.”:cry: :cry: :cry:

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I do understand you are my brother in Christ 100%. If i can put my position in a nut shell so to speak I would rather believe in what is put in the Bible and be at fault for lack of science knowledge when i stand before God than to take the position of “science” over what God has said in his word and be accountable for doubting him and his word because of it! Even if people laugh at me and call me unscientific. In the end it will not matter what science says only what God has said in his word. Atheist when i debate on line{not here} call that stupid thinking on my part. but i ask when we stand before God at the judgement and find out that what he said was true regardless of what science has claimed, then we will feel silly and sad indeed!:cry:


Jesus was not omniscient while on earth.


Thank you for the response and thank you for the love.

While I expect that the original flood which was the basis for this story was a serious but not universal flood, the story as we have it appears to be a worldwide flood and that is the way it is treated in Genesis.

I know that you want to trust and believe in God, but you are going about it the wrong way.

First of all John 1:1 says,
1 In the beginning was the Word (Logos,) and the Word Logos) was with God, and the Word (Logos) was God.

Later on in this passage we see that the Word(Logos) is not the Bible, but Jesus the Messiah. We all know that we are saved not by believing in the Bible, but believing in Jesus, and that is what the Father will ask you at the time of Judgement. Not did you believe in the Bible or science?, but did you believe in Jesus the Messiah?

If you believe in Jesus then you have a responsibility to protect God’s good green earth and all the people who live on it from the disaster of climate change. Genesis says that God the Father gave humans control over the earth. Genesis 1:28 (NIV2011)
28 God blessed them (humans) and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground… ”

If God gave humans control over the earth and as a result the ice caps are melting because of the pollution that we have caused, how can you laugh this off. God trusted us and we have failed to fulfill that trust. We and our descendants will suffer because of this, as well as other creatures that God made.

Then Greek word Logos means rational word, as opposed to Mythos which means traditional word. We know Logos is true, because we have tested it and know from experience that it is true. We think that mythos is true because we have been told that it is true, but do not really know for ourselves because we have been afraid to test it.

I hope and pray that you know that Jesus Christ is the Savior, not because someone has told that to you, but because He has saved you from sin and death. This is all that matters now and in the last judgement. With this settled we are free to use science and everything else to express how much we love God and others in this wonderful universe that God created.

Don’t mess up your salvation by making Jesus and the Bible into a mythos. Follow Him as the Logos/Word and receive God’s grace through Faith.


Well when you make comments in favor of a false idea, you should expect people to ignore them. Most people prefer to see comments in favour of a true idea.

Let’s look at the title of this thread:

“Did a global flood really happen? If not, why does the Bible describe one?”

When Christianity reached a new territory … it would frequently happen that they would take the foundation of a pagan temple … say, dedicated to Zeus. The newly arrived Christians would build a NEW religious building there.

Did they do it because Zeus was real? No. They did it to make Christian traditions more REAL to the pagans.

There have been PLENTY of regional floods; but the plot structure of Noah’s Ark has NOTHING to do with a regional flood.

Has there EVER been a world wild flood? Do you believe the Sumerians for telling this story?

Do we believe the Bible’s version, when a global flood would have come right in the middle of the 5th or 6th Egyptian dynasty ??? - - and yet there is no mention or even indication of these early dynasties being disrupted and wiped out?

It’s a…s…t…o…r…y…y…y…y…

How do you know?the scripture said he knew the evil hearts of men see; John 2:25

Then i say this Bio logos uses the same bible and tells you to speak gracefully to your neighbor seasoned with salt,in it’s rules and guidelines; if all the Bible is is a “story” then why would that be true for the guidelines of bio logos and Not what Jesus said in the same Bible? please answer that question?


I didn’t say ALL the Bible is a story. But when we search our hearts, we must separate the wheat from the chaff. As for what Jesus says… do you think the human Jesus was omniscient? I don’t think that makes much sense.

He was quite sincere … but he didn’t know Germ theory … he didn’t know about light years… he didn’t know that the earth orbited the sun… or that falling stars were not actually stars… but just meteorites.

There are TWO books of the Divine: one is written in words (Hebrew and Greek), the other is the Book of Nature … written in the finest detail that Quanta could ever allow…

But he didn’t know the date of his second coming.

Thomas Jefferson attempted to pick and choose what he thought was correct about the Bible as well.he cut the parts out that he thought were unreal or unrealistic in thought. It is called the {Jefferson Bible} and take a guess at what parts he did not agree with? Any parts that put that Jesus Christ was or had any divinity. That’s pretty Amazing huh? Now look at Luke 23:37 "if you are the king of the Jews, save yourself?. Now look at Matthew 4:3 Satan said to him, If you are the Son of God tell these stones to be made into bread? People and the devil for ever have been questioning if Jesus was the son of God or divine You are not the first.so with all these people questioning if he was Divine or not. but what does Jesus say ? He says “I am the way the truth and the life and NO MAN shall come unto the father but by me”.{John 14:6] Jesus is the only way to heaven brother and if you want to go you need to get on the boat!:slight_smile:


Surely there is a WORLD of difference between those who question whether Jesus had no biological father … and those who think a GLOBAL FLOOD is much harder to believe.

Truer words were never spoken, but you are confusing believing an the Bible with following Jesus. The Pharisees believed in the Bible, but they did not follow Jesus. Even today I dare say many modern day Pharisees believe in the Bible, but do not believe in Jesus.

I do not want to think that you are a modern day Pharisee, but until you indicate that being born again and loving God with one’s whole being and one’s neighbor as oneself is the way to salvation, rather than believing in the Flood, you leave that possibility open.

Creationism is a red herring which diverts Christians from doing what they should be doing, which is following Jesus, and to this extent it is a trick of the devil.

to me the whole Bible falls together or stands together it is all true unless it says parable or the Song of Solomon or psalms which is song and praises. also how the scripture is used in the Bible.I know many people say how could the flood happen? They also say How could the exodus happen and the angel of death go through Egypt and kill people. was it real? all I can say is Jews say and do the Passover every year and they did in Jesus day too.I ask myself if it is not real,where did the Passover ceder come from? Who made it up? are all the Jews mistaken, imagining things or crazy? The only answer i can come up with in my own mind is it has to be real . No, I have never seen a Death Angel as one would need to have been for the Jews to get out of Egypt. And please Trust me I have asked my self this many many times. all I have come to is they believe it so unless i can come up with a reason that it is not, it must be true.so against all what is in my mind common sense I believe it.i have no evidence against it! it is the same thing as the flood.i was not there and it seemed to be more than rain that happened it says the “fountains of the deep” opened up and since i do NOT know how much water is there ,I just accept it I might be surprised that I do NOT know everything and when i get to heaven and God shows me and I say wow that’s the way it was done,now that makes sense!