Denying that God is triune puts you outside orthodox Christian teaching?

How about this… we can give these creeds a Trinitarian rating.

Apostles creed : 33% Trinitarian.

Nicean creed 325 AD 67% Trinitarian.

Athanasian creed 125% Trinitarian.

Only the Nicean creed was actually approved by an ecumenical council.

Oh and the Bible? I would give that a 79-87% Trinitarian rating.

How do I calculate these?

  1. 25% mentions all three.
  2. 8% Says the Father is God.
  3. 9% Says Jesus is God.
  4. 8% Says the Holy Spirit is God.
  5. 25% Says these are distinct persons.
  6. 25% Says these are only one God.
  7. 25% Uses the word Trinity or Triune.

In the case of the Bible, I give #5 a 12% since there are indications that these are distinct persons but it doesn’t actually say the words. And I think #4 would be disputed so we have the range over the 8 points on this one. Some would say that #3 is disputed but I think there are a number of verses which nails that one down pretty good.

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