Dcscccc discusses flagella


Yes, we know the parts are necessary but we don’t know how the system came together. My point is that “lack of knowledge” is very different from “only an intelligent agent could have made it”.

its not a lack of knowledge. it is base on knowledge.

you dont think that a motor is a prodcut of design?

Would it be too personal to ask what you do for a living? Please don’t tell me that you are an engineer. :grinning:


If there were competing possible explanations based on experimentally demonstrated “mechanical self assembly” then yes, I would also hesitate to claim “proof” of intelligent agency.

i would NOT however! The human body IS intelligently designed! To prove it is EASY! A woman’s Body is designed to carry and have a baby,but a mans body is NOT designed to have or carry a baby! THAT was EASY! That is what you call INTELLIGENT DESIGN!!


It’s relevant to remember here what I wrote on the other thread on ID:

So the question is not about whether God created or whether God is intelligent - all Christians agree on that. The question is: will your faith in God and Jesus Christ change depending on whether He used evolution to create or not?

no im not:)

so a motor isnt an evidence for design?

Being that i do NOT see with my eyes any half man and half monkey walking around or any animal in the process of evolving into or out of anything else and if evolution were true as evolutionist claim why do I not see any evidence if it. I may as just claim that evolution is hiding from my eyes, OR it never happened in the first place! If evolution does NOT have a brain how can it hide so well? I can see a tad pole change into a frog,I can see a caterpillar turn into a butterfly. But that dad blamed evolution sure is more tricky than everything else or it is simply a LIE made up by man? what do you think is the TRUTH??

@martin @dcscccc

Allow me to take a step back before we get into any specific details about evolution. Do I understand correctly that your faith in God and Jesus Christ would not change if He had used evolution to create humans?

I really have NO fear that God ever used evolution being that I do NOT see it happening {evolving} before my eyes and I am sure i would see it if it were true at all! But i can NOT point to any form of evolution happening what so ever and I have been to many zoos and aquariums!!!


I know you don’t see it but would your faith be affected IF you could find whatever would be necessary to convince you that God could have used evolution as a method of creation?

I am NOT sure.My faith is built on Genesis God spoke and it happened and that is the way I view how we got here.The question is would an evolutionist that doubted God created us and believed that only naturalism of evolution put us here if they found out that God existed would that shake their faith in the “Naturalism only” belief?


If your faith might be affected by whether God did or did not use evolution to create then it might be wise to ask yourself whether these apparently-innocuous conversations are worth the risk of such a potentially traumatic outcome. May not be worth the grief that could result from it, even if it’s a very small chance that it could happen.

Note that I would agree with you that “God spoke and it happened”; it’s just that I don’t feel the need to impose the requirement that things happened right away. Another way to think about it would be that God might have “set all the dominoes” in place just the right way at the very beginning of time (think of creation as “setting up the right subset of dominoes”) and then God could just have “set the wheels in motion” by “starting time” and letting the dominoes fall according to the path that He created for all the pieces. Remember that God is eternal and God is timeless - we care a lot about time and when things happened because we can only go forward in time and eventually we die. God has no such constraints with time or death so there is no reason why God’s creation needs to happen at any specific moment in (human) time. As such, He could have created everything even before time itself started and still things could appear to us as if they occurred at different points in time.

When I die and stand before the almighty, i will kindly definitely ask him how he did it,over time or instantly. being it will be heaven,i belive all of our questions will be answered no problem to it!

nuno. true that if god created nature by evolution i have not problem with it. but there is no scientific evidence for this claim so i dont need to believe in this possibility.

You want evidence? Why don’t you have your genome sequenced. It is not that expensive and provides a large among of facts about your origin. You can compare your genome with a large database of ancient dna and see how your are both the same and different from your ancestors including Neanderthals.

neanderthals was fully humans. so there is no evidence for evolution here.

of course they were fully human. I thought that you would be interested in how you came to be here.


Do you agree with Michael Behe on common ancestry or do you also question that?