Dark Night of the Planet - Climate Crisis, the Bible, and Confession

True, both sides should be careful of cognitive anchoring, as the article says later on:

At the same time, significant floods and heatwaves in 2021 destroyed key crops in the Americas and Europe.[16]

We all like simple solutions and being able to point to something and say “This thing is the cause” but the reality is often more complex than that. Yes, Covid and War played a role. But I believe the evidence indicates these factors compounded what is an already precarious situation brought about by global temperature rise, melting ice caps, intensive farming and pesticide use, fossil fuel consumption, plastic waste, water pollution (domestic, agricultural, and industrial), deforestation, and worsening extreme weather patterns, and Western culture’s gregarious consumption.

Sometimes I feel like solving racism might be easier. Honestly, most of the time I don’t know, and on a bad day it all feels too little too late anyway.

As I said, in the OP, I never intended to get into the weeds on the evidence and solutions. But rather to what extent our times should shape how we engage with God’s word.