Creation Photos Around the World

Is your husband suffering from Tyramine induced migraines? I don’t know much about it but I know that for some fermented, pickled or smoked food can cause headaches along with an assortment of beans like Lima beans, poke beans and ect… if that’s what it is you can google low tyramine foods. Sometimes someone can simply reduce their meat and up their plants and mushrooms. Don’t have to necessarily go all out with it.

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Just downloaded it the other day to re-re-read again. Thanks for bringing this refreshment to mind now and again. It’s time.

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I forgot to answer you the other day. Husband does have a formal migraine diagnosis, but no formal anything related to cause. In our trial-and-error attempts to eliminate triggers, we tried reducing or eliminating everything on a list of foods that the list author claims contain tyramine. It’s a pretty long list, and some things on it don’t seem to be a big deal for him, but others are really bad. There are some really large classes of things “citrus” “legumes” “aged meats” “aged cheeses” “aged you-name-it” “fermented you-name-it” etc, etc. j

It’s a pain, and we aren’t religious about it, but the closer we stick to avoiding stuff on the list, the fewer auras he has, and those are even worse, he says, than the headaches. So, meat and dairy will remain in our diet (because I”m not cooking like for a restaurant) but I’m always looking for ways to reduce some of it.

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Beautiful but incredibly windy lunchtime walk around the Capitol Complex with my husband today.

Our beautiful white pine is named Carl


A curious longhorn yearling of our neighbors. Getting a good start on those long horns


The day before the full moon, it was looking good In the eastern sky from my garden.



This morning, on the day after the full moon, it looked good in the west. Alas my cell phone has never figured out how to get the moon in focus.



If you are up before sunrise, evidently you can. See Jupiter, Venus Mars and Saturn lined up in the eastern sky they next few mornings. Will have to get out of bed a little earlier.


Probably not here what with light pollution, atmospheric moisture and the trees in the Park to the East. Put I shall check it out just in case.


Reminiscent of the day:

An empty cross, an empty tomb… he is risen!


He is risen, indeed, Dale.


Tulip Poplar

Pretty jumping spider.

I think it’s a baby alligator snapping turtle.

One of the four native spider Lilies. I’m not sure which species it is.

A pond remodel I did last week.


Thanks for these fascinating creature photos, SkovandofMitaze. Your pond remodel is really beautiful.


We have some reaaly gorgeous skies out here. Bus just picked up Youngest Kid.

Psalm 19
The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

Day to day pours out speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge.

There is no speech, nor are there words,
whose voice is not heard.

Their voice goes out through all the earth,
and their words to the end of the world.


Veiled Polypore, Cryptoporus Volvatus

Apparently, comes after a pine bark beetle attack.

Saw a bunch of these covering the bark of s standing dead pine on a jog this morning.
I learn something every day


This year marks the first time this giant fennel, Ferula communis, has bloomed for me. The bees love it but I’ve yet yet see a swallowtail visit it though we’re getting lots of red admirals, monarches and swallowtails elsewhere in the garden. This one is as tall as wild ones get around here in its second year. I’ll have to diligently remove spent flowers before seeds form or it would be happy to spread everywhere. A recent shot.

What I like about it is the spherical arrangement of the flowers. So sculptural.


I had to thin it down so it wouldn’t shade everything else out. Here it is earlier on.


I frequently have the worry that I may have shared the same plant here before. If anyone noticed that I do, I’d appreciate the feedback.


That’s incredible! I haven’t seen it before, So I’m glad you shared it’s progress.
Is it “merely” ornamental, or can you eat it,too? I love fennel!

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I’m not sure. We put a little on fish sometimes. Maybe be we’ll find out.

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Being as horticultural inept as I am,* I enjoy seeing the shots of your garden, Mark, and happy to see repeats. :+1:t2:

*unless you consider ‘culturing’ the weeds and leaving sections of the lawn long for the insects horticulture.


Turkey stopped at the bird feeder this afternoon. Rarely get to see them so close to the house.


That is very kind of you. I will endeavor not to make you sorry you let the camel put his head in the tent. But seriously I always marvel that I am included in any horticultural circles. I suspect since the average age in most is about 75 it is probably because of my pulse and slowness to back up when volunteers are called for.