Creation Photos Around the World

I’ve been there, back in grad school when I had just about every winter infection there is all at once. I was down for days, my awareness of time so screwed up I don’t actually recall how many days they had me in quarantine. I’m SO glad I didn’t live alone but in a cottage/dorm with three dozen other guys; they took turns bringing me meals and making sure I had plenty to drink (they joked about beer being a fluid, but it was generally grape juice with sometimes orange juice or grapefruit juice).

High fevers suck. Keep hydrated!

I think I was in a fog for three or four days. One moment that is clear in my memory was scary: I was looking into my room over the shoulders of my roommate and one of the other guys, seeing myself laying there all bundled in blankets with the warm vapor air moisturizer unit running. It didn’t actually seem scary right then but it sure was later when the fog faded.

" Xofluza is an antiviral medication that treats and prevents the flu with a single dose. It belongs to a group of medications called polymerase acidic endonuclease inhibitors."

I remember joking that the less I could understand the medication being given the more potent it must be – this one must be really good!


@SkovandOfMitaze how are you doing today?


I just shoveled the ice off my porch and ramp. If I’d had a video camera recording it I would have posted some of the beauty of puncturing the ice in one point and a spiderweb of cracks spreading clear to the edges. The broken ice itself isn’t pretty; as is common the ice froze to the dirt on the porch and ramp so it came up brownish-gray on the bottom. It makes a nice pile that will add dribbles of minerals to the grass. It was a moderately risky effort because the temperature is just high enough that icicles from the porch roof have been letting go and falling.

Next up is the sidewalk. It looks clear but it’s actually infamous “black ice”, ice so tightly adhered to the concrete it’s impossible to tell it’s there.


Doing a little better. Fever has been under 102 since this morning and for the last several hours closer to 100. Very congested now but drinking plenty of water. Last night sucked. Was having a really weird mind racing thing that made it impossible to sleep. Mind racing about stuff that’s not even real. Since then my mind has been clear though. I’ll probably stay home tomorrow still. Especially if I still have even a slight fever. My cats are annoyed. We normally spend hours together in the bed or couch. But because I’ve been sick I’ve kept them locked out of my room. So every time I open it they dart in and I have to turn on the vacuum to make them run back out. They hate the vacuum. As soon as I turn it on, they run into another room. I normally don’t have to use it, they are never in any danger. Just hate the sound. But I’ve been too sick to reach under the bed and stuff to get them. If my fever is gone tonight and tomorrow then tomorrow I’ll try to have them in my room after I clean it and wipe it down good. I’ve barely cleaned in the last few days. Been sleeping like 16-18 hours a day. But today, I’ve been up since 6am. Watched a lot of “tales of tomorro” sucks that so many were lost. Maybe one day someone will find them in an attic. It’s surprising how many old films and radio tapes of lost stuff is just in a box in an old house forgotten. The episodes “ a child is crying and HG Wells “ The crystal egg” are both my favorites.

Then watched the 1927 silent film “The Unknown”. It’s a sort of dark horrorish film with Lon Chaney. Not sure if yall know who he is. He’s known as the man with a this is faces. I saw it before and wanted to see it again. Probably the best silent film I’ve ever seen. Though Dr. Caligari was really good. I also really like the expressionist gloom film “The Man Who Laughs” I wonder if Lon would have done a better job though.

Then went in a different direction of horror and watched some of the Chinese splatter films like the cat and Riki-oh the story of Ricky.

Now back to the older sci fi horror film “ Ikarie XB 1 “. It’s a film that helped influenced both Aliens and Space Odyssey.

So just a lot of doing nothing today but trying g to relax.


Healing is hard work.
The chest congestion with influenza is horrible. Your outstanding conditioning will help with the endless ab work out from coughing.
Drinking lots of water alone or in stuff really helped me. And a robust expectorant.
I hope you improve a lot more by tomorrow.


Me too. I hate being stuck inside. It’s fun watching films and so on but I prefer moving around. Maybe tomorrow even if I’m still sick I’ll just listen to audiobooks while walking around my street or something. I just started using my massaging gun on my back to see if it will help break up mucus.


Nice sunrise this morning. A balmy 16 degrees here today.


Gorgeous photo.
For your part of the world, and after last summer, that temperature is extra brutal.


Yes, they’re not much warmer than we are–about the same! We are running about 8-10 degrees. I’m grateful for a warm house! I hope the folks in Texas have enough warmth

addendum–I think we’re up to 12 now!


Two views of the Grand Haven lighthouse and pier from my mom (that is about 50 minutes from us)


That’s crazy cold and miserable looking lol. It’s cold here too. It’s below freezing atm. But I found out two days ago I fractured my rib from coughing to much and so I’ve been inside. Went to work yesterday for a few hours and just had to leave. Went on a short walk earlier but still have bronchitis in my right lung and would keep coughing. I’m looking forward to being past everything in a few weeks I hope.

Trying to figure out how to do my work for the next few weeks. I can’t take muscle relaxers and pain pills that make me dizzy and operate the machinery. Even light duty where I am work is still very heavy and fast paced. Lightest part I handle is just 6lbs but it’s at moving around 6-10k over 10 hours. I’ll figure out something. If I have too I know I can just force myself to push through. If I can do it for 2 hours I can make myself do it for 10.


Be still my heart!

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Take care of yourself, man.

I coughed for months after my worst bout with influenza, when I was 22. I had been swimming a mile twice a week in an hour-long class. When I returned to class I could manage about 1/2 a mile / class period with a short breather (and coughing) after ever other length.

It’s gonna take some time to heal.


This is of a black racer from Friday. I came upon it while it was sleeping. Stood there and quietly moved around it for about 10 seconds before I got really close and made lots of noise and it woke up. Thought it was cute laying its head on its body like a pillow just zoned out.

The other pics are of it striking. They strike in a fraction of a second.

Probably my favorite oak leaf. Definitely near the top. The Swamp Chestnut Oak.

Some sort of eggs I believe inside a curled up leaf with silk. It could be some kind of small mushroom but I’m leaning more towards hatched eggs of some sort. Looks like they were laid inside of a silk moth bagworm caterpillar cocoon.


Just some random closeups mostly in the brown and gold bog. Can’t wait for spring though. From my hike earlier today.


Snow in the woods last week–but it’s melting fast. This is a really mild winter!


January photos…it is supposed to chill again after a thaw this past week, but it was down to five degrees!


Some species of what russula that I found while hiking.


February made me shiver…

We have had a beautiful few weeks here, but suspect will get a bit more freezing weather before it is safe to put out the tomato plants.


I’m thinking where I’m at we are not back to basically mid 40s to low 70s. The nights and mornings are 40s and 50s. Then it goes to 60s-70s around 12-3pm and then begins dropping back down. I can’t wait until the sunlight is out again last 530pm. Like it when it’s out until 830pm because I can get off work at 130pm, drive an hour or two away and still have 6 hours of sunlight to hike. I pack my dinner often and eat before headed back and shower and sleep lol. It’s raining today so I’m probably just going to go watch Lisa Frankenstein. Though I may drive further away to watch a film called “out of darkness” and then go on a short hike there in the afternoon.