Creation Photos Around the World

We and our neighbors (you see their clothes line) had some visitors this afternoon. Normally, they’re bedded down this time of day. But they’re hungry, and fighting over what little food they can find. One doe kept running the smallest off, while the largest deer ate.


And where I live it feels (and has felt for over a week) more like it normally does a month from now. Most deciduous plants are well along into “it’s spring” appearance.


Oh, here, too. We had a few odd deep freezes, some ice, which used to be a rarity, irratic snows and warmer average temps. The weather all winter has been weird, as we can expect to see more and more, I believe.


Had fun hiking at this place.

Me and my brother went hiking few days ago. Brought his German shepherd along. He had fun chasing sticks tossed into that same beach as shown previously that’s isolated.

The water is only like 1-4 feet for half a mile out.


I often go out there to bike. It’s very low traffic. Sometimes I may see just like 1-2 trucks an hour and it’s like that for about 15 miles of these back roads.


A couple more from my bunch of tulips, which are pretty wilted now. (Hey, I paid $6.95 for them – I’m going to milk them for all I can.)


We have Carhenge in Nebraska. :grin:


Nice. I once saw a link that had like 15 places in USA that had some form of a henge replica.

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When I was looking for yours I entered “Stonehenge replicas Gulf coast” and under images there was one that looked like yours. When I went to the link the title said “Where you can see 7 Stonehenge replicas in the south, including Alabama”. So more concentrated in the south than elsewhere, apparently. :slightly_smiling_face:

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These are stunning. My daughter and I are talking about your and Timothy’s (@Paraleptopecten ) impressive photography.

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Ya’ll got your own Stonehenge? And folly? How interesting that these are just “out there.” Do you know anything about them?

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My sweetie pi (pun intended) at our local Stonehenge near Kerrville Texas.


It’s a little late, but here are some of my pictures from GBBC (Feb. 17-20 this year):

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Hermit Thrush

Savannah Sparrow (it was windy)

American Kestrel

Male Horned Lark

Loggerhead Shrike

Male Wood Duck

Hooded Mergansers

Bald Eagle–for some reason the cormorants moved away from that side of the lake.

Double-crested Cormorant

A new species of bird for the neighborhood–83 Ring-Billed Gulls (@klw I’m to 112 species, after 3.5 years here)

Eastern Phoebe

Brown-headed Nuthatch (there was a pair of them on the tree)


Sweet pics!


Yeah it’s called Bama Henge I think. It’s in a town called either Josephine or Elberta. I’m not sure where one begins and ends out there. Going to start going there and running. Weighed myself and I’m at 210. Maxed out my bench press at 265. ( 1x3 ). Last time I maxed out was 2 years ago or so and it was 345 and I was 190. Even though I mainly lift in the gym I went ahead and bought a handful of dumbbells and another heavier weighted vest for running in. I’ve been doing like 45 minute work outs every other day, and so now I’m going to do 6 days a for around 80 minutes.


Ooooh, wonderful action pic of the yellow-rump! And the brown-headed nuthatch is so exotic for us in the north. The kestrel always warms a special place in my heart since it is the bird I did my Ph.D. on…
Your list which is above 100 species now is pretty impressive for a single area… Cool!


Lots of great posts since.I was here last. That stone henge place is stunning!


The neighborhood in question does have an area of 1.85 km^2. It’s a public golf course with a not-particularly-uppity neighborhood (chickens, goats, no HOA, at least one house bordering the course has grown corn in their garden, etc.).

It’s on par with some of the better local natural areas, like Cowpens National Battlefield (I have seen 113 species there, other people would increase that). But not as high as the ones that have both lakes and good warbler habitat (Croft SP).


How many other species of people do you think there are? :grin: Oops, wrong thread.


Thanks. I like the technical aspects of macro photography, but what I really enjoy is playing with the lighting. Which also has its technical aspects. I mean, sure, I used a desk lamp for those two photos, but it was a gooseneck desk lamp. Much more sophisticated than your run of the mill desk lamp.