Creation Photos Around the World

Gulf Fritillary butterfly.

Carolina trumpetflower.


I bet it was beautiful–sorry I missed it. I was inside with the kids, listening to Jim Gaffigan and watching Holderness Family :). Beautiful photo! Thanks!

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Just looked again. It’s all still there. Just wow.


If you’re still up and step out, it’s still stunning out.

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Out on the back porch watching the Milky Way again.
I realy took this photo all by myself as evidence.

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that’s what my photos look like, too!

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Pretty sure I’ve taken that one too. Black hole?


Actually, for being so dark, the sky was still pretty bright. Still, I could see the MW. Incredible.


Is that Jupiter over to the right? (Jupiter is usually bright as it is close to the earth at present. Saturn also visible in the night sky.


My phone doesn’t seem to display photos any better than it takes them.

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The comment was tongue in cheek, totally black on mine also!


For whatever reason mine normally come out well.

Some things that can help is to set a image capturing mode. Mine is set to 3 seconds. Just have to hold it steady.

The planet is Jupiter just below the Pisces.


This is roughly the same view held at 10 seconds.


Great pic. Will have to go look outside


Saturn is the next brightest body on the right, almost due south at this time on night. The glow is the neighboring town about 4 miles away


wow, that’s really beautiful! Thanks!

Off topic but it’s getting so annoying to me that every time I type etc it changes it to ect. I never even notice 99% of the time when I post either. Just like lust gets changed to list almost every time. I’ve only started noticing a lot of it lately because I joined Reddit recently and so many times a bit messages correcting it

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I thought I was in the humor thread. ; - )

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I’m not sure which planet it is, but certainly a planet. I was out sround 9:30 pm, and it was to the east above my next door neighbor’s garage. Really bright.
I haven’t found good resources for identifying planets at night. Can you recommend any?
@jpm and @SkovandOfMitaze , those are incredible photos.
Thanks for the setting tips. I’ll see if I even have any. My ipad may be pre such photography aspirations. No clue a out my non-apple phone.
I just saw your “tongue in cheek confession.” Actually, I did take a picture of it, too. It’s slightly better.

Is this where you saw “The Tempest”?
If so, it’s incredible! What a place for that play!

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