Consciousness and quantum mechanics, time and gravity


Please do not use ignorance as an excuse for sloppy thinking.

Jesus, the Word, can be considered both God and Information, but I see no evidence that Jesus the Messiah is the fundamental reality of the universe.

GOD is not the universe. Thar is Deism. GOD is the Source of the universe.

Really. Really?! I hope this counts:

…and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.
Hebrews 1:3

You are not addressing me.

“In Him all things hold together”
– Colossians

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and He upholds the universe by the Word of His power. Hebrews 1:3

If Jesus were the fundamental Reality of the universe, He would not need to uphold it. It would uphold itself. GOD is not the universe, GOD is the Source of the universe.

If information is the fundamental reality of the universe, and if God is the source of that information, then if God went away, so would the universe. It fits scripture just fine.

Kinda funny how ‘Word’ and ‘information’ relate to each other, doncha think? (Don’t answer that.)

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