I reckon it was quite a dark period after Chicxulub smashed into the Planet…
Cute that you think you’re as tough. As a planet-killing asteroid, I mean.
There is a population-system crisis.
This can only be solved by either a new system or a much lower population of Humans.
But I think the big issue is carbon in the atmosphere, yes? Hasn’t it increased by 0.02% in the last 100 years? Wouldn’t that coincide with the amount of deforestation that has occurred in the last Century?
You and I are not responsible for deforestation. And we cannot stop it from happening.
You and I are not responsible for any climate crisis. You and I can do nothing to solve any climate crisis.
Are those responsible going to make a change? It’s getting to the point where I really do wonder what those responsible, those who can create real change, expect or want to happen… Something has got to give. And I fear they would rather you and I simply… Went away. Or maybe they are going to take away all our comforts and rights? If 8 Billion plebs stop driving cars and using air conditioners, the few rich and powerful can continue to do so without a care in the world. Or do you truly believe they will change with you?
The rich, at least, have already found a way to turn the blame back onto you and I in the form of The Carbon Footprint (trademark), dreamt up by BP. What do you think of that move? BP themselves haven’t changed a thing they do, have they?
None of this is a Biblical issue. We are dealing with a small population of rich and powerful companies and government, causing MASSIVE problems due to their behaviour, their greed. And passing the buck onto you and I.