Then depending on your age, motivation and skill set you can also get a degree or change careers, or even open up your own business. The backbone to every habitat is plants. Plant are hosts for insects and fungi. Plants are the food source for the bulk of life which then is the food source for predators. Some fields have the power to really utilize this. Such as landscaping or running a small plant nursery. Small niche native nurseries can generate a decent income. At one time I had 10 baby pools in my backyard that I collected seeds and cuttings of wetland and aquatic plants that ranged typically around $35-50 and i sold around 500 a year. Took about 10 hours of work a week. Other than the collecting which I did while hiking. It’s not super easy. Really have to stay on top of making sure they are disease free so that no one places it in their garden and affect their fish and stuff. You can collect native seeds of trees. An oak growing from an acorn is not that hard to grow. For the first 1-5 years they don’t get too big and can be moved around easily. I’m thinking about tracking down acorns for roughly 20 species of oak. I’ll sell some, I’ll use some in “ Guerrilla gardening”
and I’ll give some to friends and family or swap at native plant swaps.
If you go the landscaping route and design your own gardens it’s your choice to use what plants you want. Many nurseries have limited native plants but you can use plant brokers, shop online at native plant nurseries or specialized nurseries in advance to have what you want for the client and grow some of your own.
There are really many ways you can help birds from your porch and cheap to degrees or what work you do. Some tiktokers even inspire others to get out in nature by simply recording their hikes, identifying the things they come across and doing small natural history lessons.
But as others have mentioned, unfortunately with so many in the world not caring about the poor or caring about animals caught up in the cycle of slaughter or about ones in the wild, the world will probably have to break in order for everyone to get on board to heal it. The good news is that wildlife will survive. It’s been making it on land for at least 425 million years in the Devonian period with Choanata getting closer to becoming tetrapods. Crawling out on a terrestrial landscape with wingless insects and small lycopod ancestors that got bigger and bigger peaking as towering tree like forms in the Carboniferous.
I did a related post years ago. It was not really in-depth.