Hi Dr. Sawmidass
A few comments on your reply:
- I do not regard it as an accurate representation of the position of ID to describe them as ‘devoted to anti-evolutionism’. Their view is that, whilst accepting the fact of evolution, they do not find the current theory, as proposed in established science, to give the best account for everything found in biological organisms. That is no more a rejection of the fact of evolution or the whole of the theory than that of many theistic evolutionists, possibly even yourself given comments you have made above, where God is very much involved in the process of evolution to necessarily bring about human beings. This view is contradicted by established science in presenting the process as mindless, purely natural, and where, if there had been a different environment or selection or mutation human beings might well not have appeared on the planet as a species.
- Given they have engaged with other scientists and critical audiences and are eager to engage science on their hypothesis I’m confident that leading proponents of ID would be happy to civily engage with you if that invitation was extended to them in a different environment. I doubt this would be such an appropriate environment or any other similar forum.
- I concur with you that your comments made to Jon_Garvey warrant further reply but on the same footing I also think Ann Gauger’s EnV warrants direct engagement from yourself.
- I don’t regard the first EnV article to be very challenging or indeed to have that intention as did Ann Gauger’s article. It is indeed sloppy to claim no discussion of specific point mutation when they are present and that is something EnV ought to acknowledge or challenge. I have amended my Google+ critical analysis of this to include the observation.
“In some discussion on the forum Swamidass has pointed me to one criticism of the EnV article in claiming the paper doesn’t discussion specific point mutation when it clearly does. That seems to be a legitimate criticism and one I believe EnV ought to acknowledge or challenge”.