Can you be a Christian without believing in the resurrection?

The reality of God and his relationship to us and history does not change no matter how much you can imagine and pretend.

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That is true. There are millions and millions of Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Hindus around the world. All with their own rich traditions, history, scriptures, liturgies, creeds, revered teachers, and the like.
But you don’t go for this diversity, preferring instead to cobble together a new religion to replace our existing religions. So, what should be done? I assume you have worked this all out.

  1. Please explain in detail what you accept and what you reject. No generalizations, please.
    I want to know what can stay and what should go.

  2. How do you expect to get any traction for your ideas if you simply stay here and preach at us?
    Nobody here is convinced.

  3. Let’s say that you succeed in converting the world to Bharatjjism. Would you serve as pope for this new religion to keep it together? What would you do in the future if some believers began to question your teachings?

Greetings. I agree that we all have basic understanding of good will, treating others as ourselves, and so on; There is good intent, but I don’t see the point of trying to change people’s creeds, nor of their historical understanding of their faiths.



You are right. You can’t persuade people to abandon their favorite baseball team in favor of another without causing a riot. So don’t even think of persuading people to change their religious beliefs.

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  • Bad argument.
    • Creeds are words of human beings, not of gods.
    • Would a creed carry any credibility without Jesus? Sure. You don’t have to be Christian to compose, memorize, recite, and teach a creed. And it’s a fact that Jehovah’s witnesses, Muslims, and Jews, as well as atheists reject Christian creeds.
    • Would Jesus’ love carry any credibility with out the creeds? Sure. Would you still be Bharat without a birth certificate affirming some details pertaining to you? Of course, without any evidence of your existence from somewhere, it’s unlikely that anyone would imagine that you exist, much less believe that you exist.
    • So what? Why do you claim that a person’s self-description should be the sole basis for their self-description and then say that “we” should ignore certain things or everything they say about themselves?
  • What you are resistant to is a brute fact that makes it difficult for you to effectively save humanity from itself with your “One-god/one-religion, ‘peace/love/harmony’ gospel”; and that fact is this: an un-crucified Jesus may be acceptable to a majority of human beings, but that’s a non-starter for the “One-god/one-religion” part of your goal.
  • Without elevating Pope Francis’ status to un-earthly heights, I can safely agree with these words of his: "“We can come to believe that [Jesus] is a great prophet, he does good things, he’s a saint. But without the Cross you can’t understand Christ the Redeemer”,
  • And until you or someone else can get Jews and Muslims to accept and believe that, your “boat” ain’t going to float.

No need to “change.” Need to reinterpret. You cannot change the present understanding without reinterpreting the past.

Maybe. Maybe.

Definitely. Definitely.


Evolution is change. Jesus helped the Jewish beliefs to evolve.

You cannot change the past by making things up, pretending.

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I have no organization, no followers, no political agenda.

Not quite. I am saying the diversity can be like Trinitarian versus Unitarian.

My basic understanding is that God is our Collective Consciousness. The task is to align our minds with God’s writ.
The Jews accept One God but place themselves in the center. The Christians reach One God through Jesus but deny other ways of reaching to God. The Muslims accept One God but define His desires to suit their politics. The Hindus deny the desire of evolution of the One God and say He does not evolve.
This is a short summary. I am happy to provide details that u may want.

I am not preaching. I have nothing to “preach.” I am trying to understand what you folks may have against One God.

That is not a Christian understanding. At all.

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I know. But we need to move beyond our present understandings. All religions will continue to decline if we adhere to the understandings that have caused the decline in the first place.

No. If you knew who God is you would say no such thing. Do I need to change my father, or my Father? Christianity is not just a religion that needs to perpetuated because religions need to be perpetuated. Some flavors of ‘Christianity’ may decline, but that does not change God nor who Jesus is to his redeemed ones.


@moderators pl decide whether to continue this conversation here.

We won’t typically get involved (as moderators) unless there are violations of forum guidelines involved. If a conversation has reached the end of its useful life, just stop responding and the thread will soon be buried and closed due to inactivity.


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  • A redeemer is one who redeems something.
  • In American English, “to redeem” is a transitive verb which means:
    • to buy back
    • to get back; recover, as by paying a fee
    • to pay off (a mortgage or note)
    • to convert paper money into gold or silver coin or bullion
    • to convert stocks, bonds, etc. into cash
    • to turn in trading stamps or coupons for a prize, premium, discount, etc.
    • to set free by paying a ransom
    • to deliver from sin and its penalties, as by a sacrifice made for the sinner
    • to fulfill a promise or pledge
    • to make amends or atone for
    • to restore oneself to favor by making amends
    • to make worthwhile; justify
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That’s all you do is preach.

Who on this forum is against the idea of one God? I only know of one or two people.

Moses never got that memo about collective consciousness. Neither did Jesus. Neither did Mohammed. Do you have any evidence for this? And exactly what is “God’s writ”?

Does that mean we should also ignore the creeds found right in the Bible?

And speaking of the Bible, what should we do about the Deuterocanonical/Apocryphal books? Are they inspired?

Yes. Of course I want details.

Has conversation in this thread reached or gone beyond its "useful life"?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

@Terry_Sampson do you believe people goes to hell, if they don’t accept Jesus to save them?

I’m more for relationship with God and learning from God; I’m not for performance abilities?

Example if I’m blocking God then in the midst of blocking I allow God teach me

So God uses it all to teach me., I have a personal relationship with God

So how is this list of debt and Jesus is a banker, affect that I understand God as true currency light.

True currency don’t rely on my abilities because I’m middle