Can one be both Hindu and Christian?

Indeed! AND most Muslims say exactly the same thing about Islam.

But anyway… my token resistance to Islam bashing has about run its course. I do not like Islam. And my dislike would more heavily emphasize their attitudes towards women, which can be a criticism of Christianity also, but I think Islam is demonstrably worse.

I didn’t realize it was quite that bad. It makes me wonder how Europe fits in; I’ve read that in at least three countries in the EU the majority of rape and assault is done by Muslims.

You showed no such thing – you only showed that Paul adjusted things a bit from what the Jerusalem Council and the Holy Spirit decreed.

But the plain language in Acts 15 reduced the entire Mosaic Law to just four admonitions – there is no other way to read the text.

So now you assign to yourself the authority to decide what parts of scripture are actually scripture!
Those things are in the canon – they are scripture. You don’t get to play Thomas Jefferson and cut out the parts you don’t approve of.

Not in the least – the Decalog isn’t the basis of Christian morality anyway, the Cross is.

Yes and Jesus reduced it to just two commandments.

But the commandments to kill these people is not even mentioned let alone countermanded. Can it be interpreted in such a way? Sure. But that is a fancy footwork and far stretched interpretation, to say the least. And I think Muslims do the same with their own scriptures.

That’s an interesting notion but it has no scriptural support: it requires that sin is not only some sort of entity but that it is capable of having goals.

Back to writing science fiction I see!


There are living trees that are older than 6500 years, and they have been ‘tested’, so that claim is false. In fact it was the reason that one fellow student in a botany course rejected Christianity; he thought it was what Christianity actually teaches.

Ditto that.

There’s no need to countermand an order that has been carried out.

Where was the Creationist bible altered? Show us the evidences for that.

I use a large variety of bibles which are based on the scholarly research of 10’s of thousands of manuscripts, papyri, codexes etc…I’m really looking forward to your proving your claim there.

Might i also suggest that you go and take a peek at Dr Dan Wallace’s work on textual criticism and translation. He is one of the foremost world experts on the subject and his organisation is currently in the process of photographing all of the New Testament Greek manuscripts we have available.

If you actually studied the works of guys like Dr Wallace, you would quickly realise that the conspiracy theory claims - that the text has been altered, its meaning changed, we are unable to read it correctly…these are ridiculous arguments that in fact the “scientific evidence” completely demolishes. They are complete nonsense! We have a wealth of textual options that resolve the “Chinese whispers” problem.

For example, as I’ve mentioned before…

even if we lost every single piece of biblical writings, manuscripts, papyri, codexes etc…every single on of them…we have enough biblical verses in the writings of the early church fathers to reproduce almost the entire bible as we know it today…so we don’t even need to bible itself to obtain the witness. Im just trying to think of another known piece of writing that could be reconstructed that way?

yes obviously…

Let me ask…how old was your grandfather when he died? And your great grandfather when he died? your great great grandfather when he died?

has anyone you know lived to even Jacobs age (147) when he is said to have died?

How do you explain that even the biblical model shows a rapid decline in Age after the flood? Are you going to try to tell me that all of the historical patriarchs in the old testament, who’s timeline clearly align with kings, queens and other significant historical figures…those ages recorded in the bible are all fake are they St Roymond?

Note the references i post St Roymond…the references are supported in the bible! Where are yours above? As usual…you cite none!

If you are truly going to attempt to tell us that age is not directly related to health and that poor lifestyle has no bearing on either life expectancy, family medical history, or health…id have to call you out on that! So again, explain the age decline in the historical genealogies of individuals in the bible as shown in the two illustrations above.

If you are going to speak of historical kings and queens, the pharaohs and nobility of Egypt who are aligned with the patriarchal timeline, all are recorded as having lived completely normal lifespans.

I would warn against that kind of claims. That gives the false impression that Islam is the cause of the rapes. I do not think so.

The problem seems to be more in the strong contrast of cultures and lack of societal control that the young immigrant men face when they move to a liberal western country.

In their home country, ‘decent’ women use clothes that do not reveal everything and do not look at the eyes of strange men. If a women looks to the eyes of a man, that may be considered flirting, with a hint of promise for something more. When these men see the young women in western countries, they easily misread the signals.

Also in their former home countries, the young men would like to do more than the social rules allow. The strict social control discourages such behaviours. When these young men move to Europe, suddenly there are no relatives or other close people to control what they do. It is an apparent freedom to do whatever they want. That leads easily to problems, especially if they misread the signals they see around and face great difficulties in being accepted and integrated to the society.

I see many of the crimes that follow as failed social integration. There should be working social integration for immigrants, otherwise there will be problems. There may also be a need to send a message of social control, for example by returning those new immigrants that make crimes to their former home country. If they are returned with information of what they have done, their relatives do not thank them when they return.

I agree but at the same time, would like to make a difference between what religion teaches and what are the local cultural habits.

For example, some Muslim people with immigrant background want that their daughters are ‘circumcised’ (female genital mutilation). Those wanting it most strongly are usually older women who want to get a ‘decent’ man to their daughter/relative. Based on the culture they carry with them, young men value and want wifes that are chaste. The ‘circumcision’ of a girl is a sign that the girl is more likely to stay chaste - less temptations to be with other men if the enjoyable parts have been removed…

‘Circumcision’ of women is a tradition among those Muslims but it does not come from Islamic teachings - Quran does not tell to do something like that. Yet, these older peole think that it needs to be done like something that comes from religion. When the local laws and culture do not allow it, young girls are sent to visit relatives in the former home country of their parents and the mutilation is done there.

I am strongly against such a traditional ‘circumcision’ that I consider a crime against the girls - it is a mutilation, not a circumcision.

and that is to be expected…notice what age jacob was when he died (140 years). So by the time of the bible interaction with pharaohs in Egypt, even the biblical age had dropped to not much over 100 years of age.

so what is the issue there exactly?