Big bang question

Sorry, what’s illogical about logic again? That’s a really bad review of Nick Lane. And you don’t double down in the same class as Trump or Putin. The problem is they know they’re lying. Whereas you believe.

It’s not so cool when people can deny objective evidence for the existence of COVID, the existence of climate change, the existence of… and “believe as they want.” There are important corporate and personal implications.

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Wrong again. Much of that thinking was from Stairway to Life by Tan. Nick Lane’s book, The Vital Question, focuses on the fundamental change that allowed for the explosion of life, the energy source of mitochondria. It is a really good read, as I’m sure you know. Both of their implicit conclusions are logical, btw.

Again? Where is my logic not logical in the first place? Why do you need this nonsense to believe the Incarnation?

Hi Klax,

Thanks for your thoughtful reply and question. I looked up Andrey Kolmogorov and his complexity calculations in algorithmic information theory. I suspect that Kolmogorov is quite capable of calculating back to the second picosecond of Minkowski spacetime, just like my mathematician Viktor T. Toth did, and neither would acknowledge a godly cause in the math. But, on the other hand, Toth does say that the math of string theory is “beautiful.”

When you say, “Relativity breaking singularity doesn’t feature.” I think you are looking into the same area of the scientifically and mathematically unknown area that I am probing.
Your summary statement says, “Nothing is better than the Kolmogorov simplicity of the infinite, eternal multiverse, bubbled up from quantum perturbations in absolute nothing.” and asks, “How does invoke God help?”

Think about this: We cannot scientifically or mathematically identify the source of the “quantum perturbations in absolute nothing” you refer to, but the Latin term is ‘ex nihilo’ meaning ‘out of nothing.’ So I believe we are talking about ‘nothing physical,’ which pictures the Creator’s mind, His thoughts, intentions, and willpower toward us.

If I am right, John 1: 1-3 biblically says, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was at the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him, not anything was made that was made.” If you can wrap your head around that statement, then the way “invoking God” helps is that the Bible is an eyewitness account of Creation and his message to humanity.

Then, all of the stuff you said and all of the stuff I said are exciting food for thought for us both. Thinking people spend lifetimes trying to unpack our mysteries, but it takes spiritual receptors and faith to be tutored by the Holy Spirit.



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Or the unobservable nature of an uncaused cause or a ‘singularity’ that can affect change without changing.

The question that philosophy or science cannot answer is whether it is aware of its action.

That’s the ace in the home hole. But home also works. Like the presence of God in the temple, or personally experiencing it through the blessing of the new covenant.

Hi Bill. Nope. I’m talking absolutely nothing. Full stop. Nihilo. Nix. Nichts. Nada. Bupkiss. Which is naturally, inherently, fundamentally, physically unstable. That’s simplest.

And imaginary. Or wishful thinking and motivated reasoning.

Like an unstable imagination

I hope you didn’t think your team held the exclusive rights to those.


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Well, we don’t subjectively deny causes.

Our supposed team where nobody fully agrees with anybody, at least we can agree on Jesus. I was listening to John Walton’s brief survey of the OT and it’s so great to hear the plain truths of God’s presence in the world, then the garden, to Abraham and Moses, in the camp, the temple, and now in us.

I’m not sure if they are at war with God or godless religion. And there’s been a ton of that skybala. So I don’t blame them. Only God truly knows their heart. Dumb religion is one of the reasons I’m quick to say that the inerrancy of the Bible is something that reasonable people will disagree about.

And if someone wants to say they were once a married bachelor, then I think a post-millenial reading of Revelation, talks about there being people like that all the way to the end.

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If aspiring to intellectual honesty i.e. the Spirit of a sound mind, results in unstable imaginary or wishful thinking, subjectively denying causes, and motivated reasoning, then there’s a screw missing somewhere. Imputing that ad hominem where it isn’t demonstrable in the target is projection by the targetters. Who have to do anything to justify their fearful lust.

And, but it’s always the same screw. Faith is insufficient for us. What kind of faith is it that see-saws between having to have faith in literalism first and driving that first faith?

Speak for yourself Klax. You don’t know what you are talking about, when you are talking about my experience.

I’m not talking about your experience. I’m talking about unnecessary mandatory beliefs that make faith meaningless.

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I’m not talking about you, but I’m talking about you.


I have to agree with your self evalution.

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Is this how a brutish drama unfolds? And then Royce Gracie introduces the world to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and UFC fighting is forever changed. I’ve heard Hemingway did that in literature, and don’t forget about Gettier.

There is a scene in American Lives, where Ken Burns recounts what happened in the convention of 1848 with Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Frederick Douglass. It is a true inspiration for anyone who finds themself on the odd side of a monumental issue.

Or in that line from Boondock Saints, “The question is not how far. The question is, do you possess the constitution, the depth of faith, to go as far as is needed?”

I didn’t, but God. You know that he can do that, right? But God!

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Ah, but it is.