you know i will respond to this…and so i am going to disagree with that claim and for a simple logical reason;
The fundamental question, i will go further and state the universal question, on all fully developed individuals minds at some point in their lives is one of Epistomology. Anyone who has studied any philosophy at all knows this already so I’m not going to debate it in this post.
When we seek to answer the question of our existence, we do not find credibility in mythical tales…whether you agree or not St Roymond, turning the start and finish of the bible into mythical tales destroys faith in the philosophy (which in this case is the foundational premise “there is a God who created us”). contrary to what you appear to claim sometimes, salvation is pointless without a literal explanation of why its even required in the first place. The answer you seem to make is that God stuffed up when he created us, or he was learning Himself, and so through Gods cockup in the beginning, we now need saving because we didn’t meet the standard…we were too primitive (which is simply not biblically supported…anywhere!) Anyone who has read the writings of the prophet Isaiah knows that God neither makes mistakes nor was He ever learning!