No, I did not forget Augustine. While the Reformers and Conservative theologeons today praised him for his theology, they also critizied him for his allegorical approach he received from Abrose who in turn received it from Origen, all from the Alexandrian School. While many from the Alexandrian School went astray in the doctrines of redemption, also, Augustine did not, because God preserved his voice in his monumental writings. That does not mean he was right in all things.
The Reformers and Conservatives, especially in the Reformed movement, today after them were critical thinkers and were unafraid to distinguish right theology from error while refusing to follow the Pied Piper of Rome. They did not trust in the authority of men but the authority of God’s word alone as opposed to the Roman church and many today who held and hold to two authorities like their predecessors, the Pharisees, the traditions and authorities of men and secondarily the word of God.
I am not sure what you are concluding concerning this topic since you ignored my main point and salient reply but concentrated on what was not said.