Believing the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation

Hi Robert,
Welcome to the forum. I’m sorry you’ve brought so many misconceptions about evolution, deep time, and about what BioLogos stands for. I hope you’ll take the time to read some articles and other threads to get an idea of what kinds of things we like to discuss here before making any more uncharitable assumptions.

I can assure you that I and the other Christians on this forum believe the gospel, and it has nothing to do with how old the universe is and everything to do with Jesus. We may have some lively disagreements here from time to time, but the goal on this forum is really not to try and score points for ourselves and prove who is right and who is wrong, but to understand each other better and discuss ideas in a way that results in us seeking truth together. None of us are perfect at that, but that’s what we aim for.

Pleas read our forum guidelines so you’ll have an idea of what we expect of participants, and here are some “Common Questions” articles so you can get a more accurate idea of the “big tent” that many of our beliefs fall under: