Bad eschatology, COVID-19, and all the talk of the "mark of the beast"

Indeed it is a contradiction and I thank you for calling that out. I was caught up in the moment and some personal views came out and I seemed to have lot nerve. At some point it is difficult to not bring up modern views and politics into prophecy when it seems like “ah ha! I found the missing puzzle piece and it fits!” But though that puzzle piece may fit, it may not be the right one. That is the problem I guess with also holding to the idea that some portions of prophecy are still set in the future, the mind tries to figure out how and when those things will happen. I have my own personal opinions and a brief I have stated in the former post but other then that they are just personal views and I am open to those ideas being wrong all together. For all I know, my very school of thought could be wrong and I am looking in the wrong direction. For me regardless of how and when the war will take place, the conflict in Dan.11 seems to take place in the Middle East due to the region Daniel talks about. Now on the mark of the beast, it is a symbol based on loyalty that is connected to the economy, how those to are linked I have given a brief look into but I am open to being wrong and for all I know it could be a literal micro chip. While I am open to the Christian hope of seeing the 2nd advent of Christ Jesus our Lord, I am also open to the idea that I won’t be around to see it happen and I feel we are far more off in terms of decades if we really want to guess.

Not winning.

According to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll, 44 percent of Republicans believe that Bill Gates is plotting to use a mass COVID-19 vaccination campaign as a pretext to implant microchips in billions of people and monitor their movements — a widely debunked conspiracy theory with no basis in fact.

The survey, which was conducted May 20 and 21, found that only 26 percent of Republicans correctly identify the story as false.


So it is.

I tend to be a preterist. So I agree with everything you say, as long as we apply it to first century Jews/Christians. It does not lend itself to a straightforward reading, so it is mysterious. I think it did have “answers” for the first century church. And yes, Jesus was pretty explicit and it happened exactly as he said, in 70AD.

I expect Jesus’ second coming, when He will redeem us and the world. Maybe microchipping will be involved, maybe it won’t. There is nothing wrong with keeping microchipping “in mind”. But a laser focus on that, or vaccines, or Bill Gates (it used to be Obama) for that matter might cause one to miss a real threat.

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I can’t like this. I feel sick. I want to do something but I have no idea what.

I am at such a loss. The pandemic is bad enough, but now we have all this ridiculous posturing and politicizing and drawing battle lines and coming up with competing narratives over every little thing. So much for pulling together in a tragedy.


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