Thank you, I can’t argue with your decisions. But by removing the title as well, it will be difficult for readers to understand the thread and the topic I want to develop. I understood that from the first observation that the person had not read the previous posts.
It is the man who gives the name as things evolve and what he can see. In fact, even today, we have not yet seen everything in nature or in the depths of the oceans. But once the man who represents Adam discovers something, he gives it a name. No thing, animal, or event comes with its own name. It is man who gives the name.
You just said that you don’t understand why people continue to believe in nonsense. It is not nonsense, it is us who want to understand an ancient language with our way of thinking. I am just clarifying this language so that people no longer treat the biblical scheme of creation as nonsense.
Extraterrestrials do not exist. Man was created as the lord of the universe through this blessing “rule the earth and subdue it”. It is rather up to man to bring life elsewhere, outside the earth.
Here he used the word evolution in relation to the simultaneous creation of things. Some people think that when we say evolution, what we say is outside the Bible. No, the perfection that we discover in the creation, shows us that there is a God and that everything has followed his plan.
the stars mentioned in the creation story are not only about our region… they represent the whole universe. Indeed, with our eyes, we believe that all the stars occupy the same position. It is from 1925 that Edwin Hubble could observe through the telescope that there was a shift in their positions. And, he concluded that some are not part of our galaxy. The inspirer of the biblical scheme of creation knew this.
If you follow these links, it may clear your head.
For those who have not yet followed the thread of my publications in this forum, in our previous publications, I had developed the following themes which are very important to understand the biblical pattern of creation, namely:
If you follow these links, you will understand what this first Bible verse means. The sky here does not represent the blue sky we see and the earth does not represent our planet earth.
You are right, the Bible has only cited the big picture and the final stages. It is well said “God made luminaries” which represent all that we see in the sky with our eyes. Whether new galaxies are discovered in these days, they are all part of the luminaries in our eyes. What did they want the Bible to quote again that would be misunderstood by the ancient people? Every literary language adapts to its time.
Yes, you are right, the Bible says very precisely “Adam named all the animals” in Genesis chapter 2. But which animals? They were animals which they could see in the sphere where he lived. Before America was discovered, it was thought that the dry earth was limited to four continents. It was the same with Adam. For him, what they saw was everything. But this verse is to tell us that it is man who gives the names and he continues to do so until today.
Moreover, their consideration does not change anything in the verse that says “Let there be lights in heaven”. Everything in the sky is presented to our eyes as lights. What did they want the Bible to add?
I have never seen this development in the book of Job. The people with whom Job was arguing were not speaking from God and they were not prophets. They were even condemned by God at the end through this verse: “Now when the Lord had spoken these words to Job, he said to Elifaz of Teman, ‘My anger is kindled against you and against your two friends, because you have not spoken of me rightly as my servant Job has done’”. (Job 42:7). So, we must not take their words as if they came from God just because they are contained in the Bible.
This verse is to let us know that it is man who gives names to all things. To this day God continues to send us new creatures that we discover in the depths of the oceans or in the middle of the forest and it is man who represents Adam who continues to give names. Even in space, it is always man who gives. Your problem is that you always want to judge the Bible to the letter without putting this text in its context of antiquity. Where Adam found himself, this is what represented the Universe for him. If he sees only chickens and goats in front of him and he gives them these names, what will he say? He will say that I gave the names to all the animals. Did he lie? No, he is telling the truth about what he saw. If we discover others and give their names, should we question this verse?
I already answered him that this verse meant that it is up to man to name everything, because, even until today, God does not stop showing us news and it is man of this day as Adam who still continues to give name. We can’t even argue about this verse. By creating man, God established him as lord of all things. And, Adam, "by naming what was visible in his presence meant to him the naming of all things.
The environment in which Adam lived represented the universe for him. What he saw was what he named and this represented for all of creation. So he also had to say that I named everything. If we, we discover more and continue to make nominations in place of Adam, it is always the continuation of this verse; for man was created as lord of the Universe.
This text does not deserve to be in this link because it just broke the thread. It deserves its own link because it is a very important subject which has the title “Let there be light! and fossil radiation”
This text does not deserve to be in this link because it just broke the thread. It deserves its own link because it is a very important subject which has the title "Let there be light! and fossil radiation"