And by claiming that the passages of Scripture to which you refer are “clearly not intended to be read that way,” you are bringing them into head-on collision with indisputable, objective reality. This being the case, to insist that these verses are “clearly not intended to be read that way” is, in effect, to argue against the Bible, whether that is your intention or not.
And may I suggest that you read those verses yourself, Adam.
About half of them say nothing whatsoever about creation. Out of those that do, the overwhelming majority of them say nothing whatsoever about either the age of the earth, or who or what did or did not evolve from what, or what happened to the dinosaurs, or whether the Flood was global or local. Of the ones that remain, they can all be understood in exactly the same way that you yourself insisted we understand verses such as Isaiah 55:12 and Luke 19:40.
I’m sorry Adam, but that is a false and bad faith accusation. Recognising that there is such a thing as objective reality, and that the evidence that I acknowledge that God has created can shed light on how He created it, is NOT “denying creation” and it is NOT “turning more than 33 books of the bible (sic) into an allegory” and it is NOT “bending our religion in order to harmonize with secularism.” To make such an accusation is to ascribe views to myself and others that we do not hold – something that is a no-no round here.