Anniversary Scopes "Monkey Trial"

And unfortunately it did not end there, as we have upheld dictators at the expense of more democratically chosen leaders quite a few times because we thought it was to our benefit, usually to come back to haunt us down the way.

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I worked one summer at a camp located about evenly between two towns where German was still spoken and many churches had services in German on Sundays. There was a touch of a bitter attitude towards families in nearby towns who changed the spelling of their names to something less German, even forty years after the war. I never bumped into any sign that they’d been pro-Hitler, but they’d definitely been staunchly opposed to fighting Germany.

Since then I’ve read two books about two different plots that favored Hitler, one aimed at forcing Roosevelt to stay out of the war, the other an actual intended coup. According to the historians who wrote those, both plots came very close to succeeding, and in both cases it came down to someone who decided to speak up to authorities.

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The standard dogmatics textbook still used in Missouri Synod seminaries was written by a staunch geocentrist who denounced anyone who thought Copernicus might have had a point as traitors to the scriptures. The author was brilliant but (to be polite) boneheaded.

I have friends who are Missouri Synod pastors who agonized over this when not too long ago the Synod once again doubled (tripled? quadrupled?) down on YEC; being so near retirement they decided to stay put for the sake of their families. One told me that in the last twenty years as a pastor there were three young men who wanted to go into the ministry but who left the LC-MS over that very issue, contributing to a shortage of clergy.

Which reminds me of a seminary professor I knew who was Missouri Synod clergy – a descendant of Charlemagne, he had only two complaints about Hitler: first, that Hitler didn’t know when to stop (he said right after taking half of Czechoslovakia, and that Hitler should have pressured Poland to surrender its former German territories [that had been parts of Prussia]); second, that it was foolish to have attacked “Christ’s cousins” – it was the latter that to him doomed the Third Reich.

What about Baptists? My understanding is that it is only some of the Southern Baptist group who have argued in favour of Evolution and the Old Age Earth. The more fundamentalist baptist groups are pro literal reading of Genesis creation account.

Also, I think Seventh Day Baptists were YEC…these predate SDA’s as they formed in the 17th century.