Alex Berezow and Stephen Meyer talk about God and Evolution on the Michael Medved Show | The BioLogos Forum

No worm has ever eaten my eye! or yours! Maybe the devil is responsible for the worm?

Then who designed the devil?


How would you re-write my conclusion? Just to make sure that I am communicating well and clear what I think. Of course I believe that natural tragedies are evil and that God’s greatness is so evident. Repentance is mandatory in order to be acquainted with God.

Martin, do you not understand that evolution does not happen to individuals? That it is only about how populations change genetically over time?

you right. if for example airpane evolved from cars. then we will need to find a lots of transitional forms. even if they was self replicating with dna. but we dont see those forms. we even find fossils that are in the wrong place.

hi loujost. you said that:

“Common descent is an established fact”

what is the fact that prove a human share a commondescent with a fish?

i looked the story up and the girl did not change her contact lens as she should have. that is where the problem came says it plainly in the story!

That is a very good question?a moose or elk or cow or dog an many other animals have no connection to fish either!

How ever the time frame you are referring too has never been seen because it takes “millions of years”.If something takes millions of years to see and two of the RULES of science is that something has to be repeatable and observed in order to be considered science, then that breaks the rules of science and therefore evolution can not be true science! . see evolution breaks it’s own rules so often that people forget that it does it or they choose to ignore it!

the devil was beautiful until he got proud and rebellious just like evolutionist are!

a conspiracy,i think animals are the exact same as the day Good created them!

Martin, the question is why you portray evolution as happening to individual organisms. If evolutionary theory is so horrible, wouldn’t you be more effective in fighting it if you weren’t blatantly misrepresenting it?

while I do not think that airplanes evolved from cars! i definitely know that evolution is a lie and people are so wanting to believe it they fall for it hook line and sinker! why do they want to believe it,you ask? so they can run from God that created them!

Then please explain how such things could arise if their potentiality does NOT exist. Materialism does not satisfy here. It has to account for self choice and the desire to over ride determinism and rejection of the lack of free will! How can anything insensate ever give rise to such emergent properties? How can you explain those properties?

Really? Are you actually arguing that things can arise from something that has NO potentiality to do so?


God designed a world where bad things like that could and would happen. God did not make them happen, except for the fact of nature and biology that parasites and worms exist and play important roles in the ecology as I am sure you know.

God created a world where fire exists and plays an crucial role in the lives of humans and the universe. Fire can also kill people, old and young, innocent and experienced, in a most horrific manner, but we do not complain about God creating fire. Still it is the same principle.

The Creation is good, but some aspects like diseases, like hunger, like fire, like crime, like war, like storms, etc. need to be controlled, cured, prevented, etc. In fact without vital needs to be satisfied humans would have nothing to do, no food to grow, prepare, and eat, no clothing, no housing to build and maintain, no transportation, no medicine, no education, no purpose for life.

There are two aspects to this question, First, Did God create the universe? and Second, Is God good?

I have argued that humans live in a good universe. I have had only one person dispute this claim and that was a long time ago. Life is good, even though life is not easy and simple. If life is good, then God is good, because God is the only One Who has the ability to create and maintain this good universe.

Thus if I were be convinced that life is not good, that life is not just, that life is not rational, that life has no meaning and purpose as Dawkins claims, I would agree that the world was created by an evil Demi Urge.

I must say that when I see how humans are talking and behaving at home and abroad I sometimes wonder what happened to intelligent life on this planet and how long God will put up with us.

Roger, thanks for starting to answer my question. But what specifically would it take to convince you that life is not just? Many people suffer horribly for things they have no control over. If you have an answer for ANY amount of suffering, then surely you can see that you are not making an actual deduction that “Life is just”, but rather you are simply insisting that “Life is just” regardless of what we see in the world.

To me it is obvious that the universe is indifferent to our suffering or our motives.


Are you saying that life cannot be just or good if there is any kind of suffering?

It seems to me that something is just or worthwhile if it is worth the effort or pain involved in achieving it. I purchase an item if I believe that it is worth the price. Sometimes I am disappointed. Then I must decide whether it was an honest mistake, or I was cheated by an unfair deal.

I do not think God cheated me when God gave me life. No doubt I am more fortunate than others. I cannot speak for all others or for you, which is the reason why I began with my personal statement.

Again if you thank that life is not worthwhile and humans have no control over it, make your case, and maybe I will agree.

Roger, I have never argued that life is not worthwhile or that we have no control over it.
Your answer seems to me to be an admission that no matter what reality is like, you will always say that life is just. Your position is not something that you arrived at by evidence. It is a personal (and contrafactual) belief.

The suffering of natural things is as nothing compared to the suffering caused by people not acknowledging God the holy spirit, and the human spirit. The champions of pain have a rotten soul, and that the bodies can be damaged, it is well shown that people let their bodies be destroyed if they have the idea that it preserves their soul.

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