After the second coming of Christ, does evolution continue?

This is reminiscent of what Galileo said of the theologians that despised Heliocentrism:

Those theologians weren’t interested in actually looking at nature, but only in protecting their interpretations of scripture.

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That’s a good description of the process, I agree.

Which is why YEC is so dangerous: when young people run into reality they only see one choice – follow the YEC logic and abandon the faith.

Of course not – if all the stars were made in an instant a few thousand years ago, there’s nothing to study.

I will add, though, that it isn’t just the stars they have no desire to learn about, they almost invariably have no desire to actually study the scriptures – though how they can be content thinking that the Holy Spirit forced writers to use literary forms that didn’t exist yet baffles me; God speaks to people where they are, and that means that nothing in the scriptures was written to us, which means we are reading other people’s mail, and to understand it we have to understand what the text meant to the original audience.

As does actual study of the scriptures. It no longer amazes me, but it’s almost guaranteed that on any youtube video from Michael Heiser and other actual biblical scholars there will be comments making accusations of heresy that boil down to “read it in English and shut up!”

Oh, I know a cave or two that would be quite nice! It would just take a couple hundred thousand dollars to get electric and water and sewer and gas and internet and an efficient modern fireplace, is all. And I’d have to decide if I wanted sliding doors or one of the rotating things like in some office buildings. :thinking:


Ironically they thought of themselves as followers of Aristotle, despite the fact that Aristotle had founded his ideas of natural philosophy on observation of the natural world.

You know that bricks in and of themselves are useless without at least 4 things:

  1. A building standard that is consistent and applied across the build

  2. Solid foundation

  3. Mortar

  4. Load bearing integrated columns and weight bearing down upon the wall.

The real problem in housing is when a standadised set of building principles are not consistently applied across the build. Cracks start to form and infestations of mould and pests are the result :wink:

Like what YECs do with science. They invent things and desperately want to be considered good scientists, or speaking about science correctly, all the while ignoring the physical laws and elapsed time clocks that God has built into the cosmos that do not change willy-nilly to suit their flawed hermeneutic.

Yeah, like the theory of evolution. or of stellar development, or of plate tectonics.

That depends on your bricks.

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Makes me think of Chess Club in high school. I devastated almost everyone I played, but I never even made it to quarter-finals. The guys I devastated knew how to move the pieces but had no concept of strategy so they didn’t look ahead; the guys who knocked me out before quarter-finals not only had strategy but could also think ahead four moves; I in the middle had some strategy and could think ahead two moves, three on a really good day.
YEC thinking is like the first set: they know some really basic concepts in science but fall flat on their faces when it comes to thinking on the level of Theory.

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I taught my sister how to play chess and our first game (and maybe it was our last as well ; - ) was a draw. :grin:

I remember my first draw; I sat there staring at the board thinking, “But . . . but . . . but . . . .”


Sounds like you would be a bit ahead of me at chess. I might beat someone who had no strategy at all, but I have yet to play one, and (so far as I remember) have yet to win against a human opponent.


You and I should start our own special chess club. I bet I could break your losing streak. I’m probably looking one move ahead. On a good day.


It is clear from that statement that you do not understand the importance of philosophy in a world view…it is the questions of Epistomology that i believe are paramount…not the INTERPRETATIONS of secular science. I believe we can use science, however it cannot determine biblical doctrine where that doctrine conflicts with major biblical themes…such as Creation, the Sabbath, the fall of man, the flood, the sanctuary, and salvation.

I do not put the interpretations of secularism in front of self revealing bible theology.

TEism denies creation, denies the flood, has no concept of the physical death of Christ on the cross as atonement for the wages of sin is death, it denies any bible writer who makes reference to Creation or the flood…there isnt much left. The gospel leans heavily on Creation, the fall of man, the plan of salvation, Christ physical death on the cross, Redemption, and Restoration.

When you take those things out, Christianity offers nothing beyond this life…indeed there are some people here who have me wondering if they even believe in restoration to a world without the corruption of sin , pain and suffering and death.

Really…well im a YEC who played a lot of chess. i grew up playing the game regularly from a very early age as a young child …i wonder if you really are as good at it as you say…especially when i consider the lack of referencing in your answers on these forums…that suggests a narrow minded focus on wives tails, limited scope for widening your focus for other possibilities and likely not a particularly good chess player.

Chess is not about thinking 3 or 4 moves ahead, its about recognising patterns and strategy. When one recognises an aponents plan, one can either easily defeat it, or recognises that ones own strategy for that game was the wrong one. Then one has to either capitulate or hope the oponent makes a mistake…and thats where the fog of war comes into play.

There’s no such thing.

Back to lying again, I see.

Besides using bad grammar, this is a lie again. It was a lie the last time you wrote it, it was a lie the time before that, and has in fact been a lie repeatedly because you have been corrected on this point multiple times.

This is also a lie, but I’ll give you credit for at least coming up with a new one.

You need to shed your modern scientific-materialist worldview so you can begin to hear what the scriptures have to say – and so you’ll stop lying about other Christians.

The statement is self-contradictory: if you’re not looking several turns ahead, you’re not looking at the patterns that count and you aren’t doing strategy.

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