Adam, Eve and Population Genetics: A Reply to Dr. Richard Buggs (Part 1)

Hi Joshua,

I’m just catching up with this dialogue on a train. I should be marking essays, but will just take a moment to quickly repond to a couple of points.

Thanks, I had not seen that exchange before between Ola Hossjer and @glipsnort. Very interesting. However, it does pre-date the current discussion, and I am keen to hear Steve’s own response to the papers I have referenced on the AFS method. I agree with you that he has been a measured and careful voice in this discussion and I have great respect for his expertise.

But would you agree than in their analyses reported in the paper they have assumed a constant effective population size? If not, how do you understand the footnote to the table that I referenced above.

My train has just arrived at King’s Cross Station - sorry to have sign off. I greatly appreciate your work on this thread, and the honesty and open-mindedness that you have shown.

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