Adam And Eve Literacy

Agreed… I think people can go way too far in that direction.

But there in a middle road between changing it all into pure metaphor which leaves you with nothing but ambiguity and changing reality into a Walt Disney animation with necromancy, magical fruit, and talking animals.

Again, how did Lazarus come back to life after he had been dead so long. Did God give life to a body made from the earth that had no life in it?

Since we believe in the supernatural we cant pull magic out of it really now cant we?

They were not mutually inclusive.

I was saying that the act of having visions where someone sees symbolic images that mean something in life is common and that it’s common throughout scripture , in the Old Testament, we see random women show up in men lives. Like servants bringing back a woman, or seeing them from a tower, or them showing up in your field and so on is normal.

So there is nothing crazy about Adam seeing a vision of being split in half and then coming across a woman there who he marries that fits the revelation of the image seen in the dream.

But I do agree that Jesus brought the stories of the myths to life. Jesus was a man who showcased everything about God. He was the son of God empowered by the Holy Spirit. He did preform miracles ( magic ) as the author of life and the man who conquered death.

However, I don’t see the mythology of genesis to prove the story as literal. Just like revelation is not meant to be literal.

not myths.Much more like allegory i believe

Sure we can. We don’t have to equate the supernatural with magical. Believing in the supernatural is just a rejection of naturalism which equates the scientific worldview with the limits of reality. But I see a world of difference between the spiritual reality and the magic of fantasy. If you equate these two, you will find a great number of atheists who agree with you whole-heartedly.

There is no “life stuff” you can add to a dead body in order to make it alive. Biological life is a complex set of chemical cycles and once they stop there is no magic to make them start up again. The most you can do is resuscitation and revival where a few of the larger scale processes can be restarted because the body is still alive on a chemical level. We can restart the heart and breathing after it has stopped. And the brain in a coma can recover and start working again. And YES this can happen after four days without any medical care or life support.

There are all kinds of fantasy stories about such stuff and the descriptions and rational varies greatly between them. I find it all very entertaining stuff. But it is not real.

really black magic is praying to satan or something.At least thats how it has been seen over the centuries

Satan isnt real?He is the god of this world

One can believe Satan is real without believing in black magic.

For me it’s not a allegory. It’s mythological. When I read stories of Ancient Rome and other nations it fits really well with that type of mythology. But perhaps it’s semantics on how we view it. Sort of like miracle vs magic.

If God answers prayers so can satan is able to answer twisted ones i think

Also as far as magic and miracles go I am a cessationist. I believe that magic of the devil ceased with his locking away and I believe that miracles through the Holy Spirit from laying on hands ceased with the death of the apostles and so there is no more magic or supernatural miracles.

As the Spanish Inquisition realised, belief in the Devil is more problematic than whether he exists.

So you are actually saying that Jesus didn’t make Lazarus’s dead body become alive again.

John 11:14 So then he told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead, 15 and for your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.”

I am saying that the meaning of the word “dead” has changed considerably because of medical science.

So no, Lazarus was not dead according to modern medical science and Jesus did not make a body dead according to modern medical science alive again. And the Bible doesn’t say Jesus did any such thing. If someone used CPR in the time of Jesus then the poor guy would probably be accused of bringing the dead back to life too.

Rulling out the supernatural again.Whats next the ressurecction didnt actually happened?

Depends on what whether you believe Paul’s explanation of the resurrection in 1 Cor 15 as I do or you go with the irrational anti-science crowd that believes the resurrected Jesus was a zombie rising out of the grave – according to which people will be fighting over the same molecules that get recycled in the biosphere.

Didnt the gnostics believed in the spiritual ressurection?Also i guess Thomas touched air

Were was the body anyway?