Antoine, I appreciate your mentioning my previous posts on Original Blessing, but in reading this paragraph ‘thru the eyes’ of someone not familiar with my posts, these readers would probably misinterpret my position; Using evolution, over a period of more than a billion years, God created the primate species, Homo sapiens, which the science of anthropology considers as ‘humankind’. However, for theological discussions, these early Homo sapiens had the potential to become the creatures that God intended–i.e.,made in His Image–but were not there yet. Only when they became endowed with Mind and Conscience, could they choose to rise above their animal natures and fulfill their spiritual destiny.
IMHO much of what we now designate as Sin results from the ‘selfish genes’ that were instrumental in producing the early Homo sapiens. But, like all animal life that acts on instinct, God could not ‘hold them responsible’ for the behavior he instilled in them. By whatever mechanism Homo sapiens acquired a Conscience, it did NOT immediately confer an ‘Original grace’ that freed them from ‘fleshly tendencies to sin’. It took the Incarnation of Jesus and his message of love to lead us to that goal.
Al Leo