A.Suarez's Treatment on a Pope's Formulation for Original Sin's Transmission!

Oh just like magic!

No, I don’t believe in magic.

Oh you mean like if aliens came and stole some sperm and eggs and then raised up the test tube babies then would they be aliens or human? They would be aliens. They would not be human. And likewise if aliens who looked just like us came down and implanted one of their kind in a woman’s womb so that he was born and grew up among us (like the superman story), would he be an alien or a human being? He would be a human being not an alien. And no magic from God would be required in any of that to convert them in either case.

But perhaps you mean something more like I addressed in the other thread…

Oh and many animals have some portion of the same potential as shown by how they acquire many human characteristics in long association with us. There are some definite limits to this showing that the long evolution of the homo sapiens species is not without some significance. But as many works of science fiction have explored, there is a distinct possibility that we may find some means to change them or compensate for those difference so that some are capable of becoming even more human. I simply don’t need some magical theological barrier between animal and human the way you seem to.