A.Suarez's Treatment on a Pope's Formulation for Original Sin's Transmission!

This is a good reason for struggling to go to heaven! Isn’t it? (in the end of the day atheism is denial to know).

But meanwhile we can “bring a little piece of heaven to earth” by reading (God-given) Scripture in the light of (God-given) Science and discovering in Scripture answers that are waiting for good questions.

This is a key point! If we put together evolutionary history and Genesis 9:3-6 we can conclude (on the basis of the available data to date) that at a certain time between 15,000 and 5,300 BP God transformed modern evolved humans into accountable image bearers.

Regarding GAE one has to be careful about “those outside the Garden”: Are they or are they not accountable (in the sense of Genesis 9:3-6)? This is the question!

  • If they are: then they are human persons and share necessarily the consequences of the first sin in human history i.e. the state of need of redemption (badly called “original sin”), or in your wording, “the spiritual condition of being human in the present time (since the Fall)”.
    [Note: “the first sin in human history” may (but must not) be the sin of the first accountable image bearer].

  • If they are not: then God has to made them accountable image bearers before they come in contact (and eventually get married) with genetic descendants of the first couple of sinners (those in the garden), and in this very moment of becoming accountable they become to share the consequences of the first sin as well.
    [Note: God does not allow living together accountable human persons with human-looking creatures which are not human persons. If you reject this principle (against Genesis 9:3-6), then you would open the door to any sort of racism and discrimination!]

So in each of these alternative cases we have accountable image bearers who share the consequences of the first sin and are NOT genealogical descendants from the first couple of sinners.

Thus, the fact that “being human in the present time (since the Fall)” entails “the spiritual condition of need of redemption”, does not depend at all of genealogical descent from the first couple of sinners. And then the model “genealogical Adam” does not help to answer the question of “why we have the same sinful nature.” And in my view trying to sell it claiming that it helps would be counterproductive after all. On the other hand, I welcome GAE to the extent that it stimulates the discussion about the exciting question of the origins of humanity.

In summary, the crucial question is “why being human entails being in need of redemption after the first sin in human history”. If we accept that God made the first accountable human bearers between 15,000 and 5,300 BP we have to search for an answer which does NOT depend on the existence of a universal genealogical ancestor of all accountable image bearers.

My proposal is that we rather search in the direction of your magnificent post:

Your view is very much in line with the view I have published in my articles and repeatedly proposed in this thread. See for instance here:

As you see, I consider that Romans 11:32 contains the key to answer our crucial question above. In particular, I think that in the light of Romans 11:32 one can perfectly “make sense of some of Paul’s writings, like in Romans 5”, without assuming neither genetic nor genealogical descent from a single couple.

Since I think we share views which are near and promising, I would like very much if we could continue this discussion in coming posts. So please propose the next point you consider we should clarify.