Hi Mark,
I will agree God was not writing a science book, but the reason to believe that where it impinges on nature it best be true can be summarized as below.
- If inspiration means God can’t communicate true things to us, then inspiration is worthless.
- Bible says it is impossible for God to lie
Numbers 23:19
God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?1 Samuel 15:29
“Also the Glory of Israel will not lie or change His mind; for He is not a man that He should change His mind.”so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to l
Because of this, when God speaks or inspires a man to write about nature, it best be true.
I again go back to my Book of Mormon example in my post above this. I don’t believe the Book of Mormon because there is not a shred of evidence that the described events happened, so why would I believe their theology? If there is nothing observationally true about scripture, then it is little more than another, better-written Book of Mormon
Christianity is an observational religion, based upon the observation of the scientific/historical fact of the resurrection. If that isn’t a historical fact then Christianity is garbage. We depend on the disciples observations to believe. This means we have a God who does miracles in history, so why not think that the other miracles are also possible? But if the other miracles are impossible, miracles like creation, then why would we believe in the resurrection? Are we to believe a God who can’t perform simple miracles can actually raise a man from the dead after 3 days? That is illogical.
5 since it is impossible for God to lie, and our Scripture has God telling a false tale about creation where God is the only person speaking, or the Flood where God says he is bringing a massive flood, then there are two possibilities, A. it IS possible for God to lie and if that is the case, is God lying about the plan of salvation? At the least the writers of those verses above lied to us. B. Inspiration is useless as a means of communication in which case we can’t know that we have the plan of salvation down right at all! Both cases lead to doubt about whether or not the plan of salvation has really gotten to us.
- Intent of God. Everyone here thinks they know the intent of God in writing this or that. I think that is hubris. God didn’t say what His intent was in Scripture, so unless you are hearing the voice of God in your head, I find the claim that we know what Gods intent is to be equivalent to what Percival Lowell did with the Canals of Mars, He looked in the telescope and probably saw the veins in his retina and thought they were Canals on Mars. God’s intent is more in the mind of the individual than an objective fact. It says more about the thinking process of the individual’s world view than it does about God.