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4 posts were split to a new topic: Is it reasonable to believe in “magical” stories in the Bible?
Hello, Friends!
Any thoughts about the Pew survey or Hill’s analysis?
I’ve sometimes thought that among the least likely folks to think that science and religion are in conflict are committed creationists. After all, they feel that true science rightly understood will comport with their religious understandings all the time. To them, creationism is true science, and it fits hand-in-glove with their religious views - no conflict. Is there anything in the Pew survey or Hill’s research to support or refute the hypothesis that the more creationist one is, the less conflict one sees?
Survey question I have ever seen seem to have an assumed answer already in mind by the survey taker. This bias may be necessary to get meaningful results with the least effort, but we have to interpret the answers that people give. A better question might have been “Do you have a conflict between your religious beliefs and science?” Personally, I have no problem with science and my religious beliefs, nor am I aware of any friends who do, but I would say there is a conflict based on what I have read. In that case, my answer is only confirming that I have read about conflict, not indicating what percent of people have conflict.
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