What Killed the Dinos?: A Model for Exploring the Scientific Process with your Kids

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://biologos.org/blogs/archive/what-killed-the-dinos-a-model-for-exploring-the-scientific-process-with-your-kids

Thanks for your article (and the included link to the article you discuss), Christy. Those are valuable, not just for the kids, but also make for excellent and highly accessible information for adults wanting to shore up holes in their own science knowledge.

While your daughter may feel as if she’s all by herself in her willingness to take science seriously, it could well be that others in the group if/when they come to their own turning points facing the evidence, will remember back to those class days and recall that there was at least one Christian who didn’t just buy into the party line. …which may help them not feel so alone in their own season of questioning.


The kind nature of this discussion makes me want to work more on finding ways to communicate. better with my YEC family and friends as well…great way to present the science. But it is hard work to be so patient and detail oriented. thanks for the example.

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They said science books are written by atheists who just see what they want to see based on their assumptions, and they can’t be trusted because they’re always changing their minds about what the facts are anyway. I didn’t know what to say to that.

Me neither anymore!

Why not try an approach like the one modeled above to discuss a news article or nature program about a topic that fascinates your child? Since the hallmark of scientific inquiry is bringing new questions and discoveries to the table, discussing science with our kids is a great chance to learn alongside them.

Looks like a very nice approach! This will be worth coming back to many times I think!

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I have really gotten a lot out of reading science news articles with my kids this year. I learn a ton and we have great conversations. Ask me about volcanoes, somebody!

Today it was the death of Koko the gorilla. Nothing like talking about whether other primates should have rights and what makes humans unique with elementary and middle schoolers.

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Christy, this is great! It is a wondeful reminder that I need to incorporate more current events and science magazines into our science curriculum. So many teaching practices are being demonstrated here! And critical thinking skills for kids. What science magazines do you use with your kids?

Thanks, Kendra.

I like Science News for Students (the one linked in this article), and a lot of the time we read whatever science article is up on NPR.org or the Washington Post. Ironically, often the newspaper articles aimed at the average adult are shorter and less technical than the articles aimed at STEM kids at the student site.

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