It is reported in the Washington Post that a baby bear that was frozen over thirty years ago in Antarctica has been revived!
I find that unbelievable. I had a friend that was mountain climbing thirty years ago and fell. His body was never found. I wonder if he could come back. Have any of you read this article? I was trying to get everyone to read the article. No one did.
I agree with you both completely; however, this was not a polar bear. It was a water bear. I never said it was a polar bear. I would advise everyone to read the article before making a comment. I know where polar bears live. Please refer to the article. We should read the article before commenting. I will alter the title so that there will be no misunderstanding. The title of the article is: This crazy creature just returned from the dead after 30 years encased in ice. I feel I am owed a like too. I gave one to Roger.
Thanks, Christy. I liked the article. I am glad that your son is interested in such things. Do I see in him a future scientist? I hope it will be a medical doctor.
Aside from the fact that “Water Bears” are very tiny insects … rather than bears … they actually have survived much more bizarre treatments than frozen for 30 years.
They have been dehydrated and sent into space … and survived…