Walking by Faith and Wearing a Mask

Sorry but I find this prooftexting exercise ridiculous. This is absolutely not how Christians should approach the issue.

Is it the loving thing to do to cover our faces due to the possibility of spreading illness to others? That is a highly debatable point, but in my opinion scripture is clear that, no, it is not the most loving thing you can do for others.

It’s not debatable for the reasons you give. Your exegesis is laughable and your conclusion is wrong. It’s amazing how word gymnastics and tortured biblical literalism can move people away from the simple application of basic Christian ethics to put other people’s interests above your own and care for the vulnerable. Plus it’s the law in many places, so there is that.


Bizarre that anyone would think it’s being a “face covering” was the salient feature of a medical mask. The relevant feature is its being a “neighbor protecting device”.


Nice article, but it feels the whole premise is to absolve yourself of the uncomfortable feeling that you walk in the spirit of fear. That is understandable what with the pressures of everyday life however a better article would be to notice it and instead of covering the issue by looking for confirmation bias, instead write about how as Christians we can attempt to come back to a position of faith, even if it be initally tainted by human compromise. Have a wonderful day though :slight_smile:

This presumes people who wear masks because they believe the science that says it is best for a whole host of health and community safety reasons have left a position of faith. Why would anyone grant that premise?


It almost seems you associate “faith” with recklessness.


There is no scriptural reason on why faith implies ignoring safety and logic.

Wearing a mask does not have anything to do with doubting God.


Are you abandoning a faith position if you brush your teeth and use mouthwash for oral health? Is using a seatbelt? How about using a car seat for a little child’s safety?


It was a little strange this morning wearing a mask in church, when out of a couple of hundreds, only a handful were wearing. My wife and I have been vaccinated, so no real concern on our part regarding the virus, but still do not want to inadvertently spread to those who have not had the opportunity to get the shot.
Speaking of spirit of fear, there may have been as many nonmaskers packing heat as there were maskers wearing masks, being Texas.


Same here. Less and less people are wearing them and outside of church, like in gas stations or stores, more and more people are being louder about why are others still wearing masks.

I had someone comment on my mask and say they like it and asked me “ isn’t covid already over “ and I told them no. It’s not over but that’s not what I wear it.

I told them I wear it because I’m bald and can’t hind behind hair, and it’s already in the mid 70s and so it’s to warm to wear hoodies to hide behind and so instead I wear my mask. That when I’m wearing my mask, you can’t really see what I look like and so it’s like I’m partially invisible and just a ghost occasional bleeding through into reality to get my coffee and then I fade away.

I’m hoping that enough people will just simply keep wearing them that it can be socially acceptable to continue and I’ll just continue though my life always half hidden lol.

I got a creature from the black lagoon mask. I like it.


Love your reasoning and humor for wearing the mask, @SkovandOfMitaze!

Infections despite vaccination are already showing up (maybe it’s a bit like the flu shot-- at least it lessens it).

Brazil has the highest rate of death it has had to date (2000/day) last week. Hopefully folks will keep wearing the mask


Phil I’m a little slow this morning. Here I don’t think “packing heat” means carrying a gun. Do you mean looking for a chance to go off on those on the opposite side?

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Here in the midwest, that’s slang for “carrying a gun”. Phil can correct if it’s something different in Texas. They ought to be the foremost authorities on the terms involved after all! :cowboy_hat_face:

[One hopes that Phil’s church wasn’t too full of people looking for a chance to ‘off’ anybody on the other side. -that would give new meaning to ‘working out your salvation with fear and trembling.’]


Oops. I left out the word “go” in the phrase “go off on”. Being it is Texas we’re talking about maybe they really are itching for a shoot out. But I suspect he just meant they’re looking for someone to vent how they feel on.

Thanks. I went back and fixed that. It will be interesting to find out how close we were.

Seriously, with the church shootings, I know of at least 4-5 people in church who conceal carry, including a “security team”. Several are women by the way, as our church is supportive of women in ministry . ;{) It is ironic that several, perhaps the majority of those who carry weapons are against wearing masks, but that is consistent with political divides. In the interest of transparency, I have a carry permit, but rarely carry.



Obama Persuades Republicans to Take Vaccine by Urging Them Not To :grin: - Andy Borowitz

That should work for masks, too, I should think. :slightly_smiling_face:


I bought a few masks for people who was not wearing them by getting something they liked. My uncle did not wear masks but I bought him a John Wayne cowboy mask and he started wearing it.

I bought a cousin a fishing mask and they started wearing it.


You’re right. Maybe this is the case. Perhaps I have not seen enough information or the information I have available to myself is insufficient. Maybe it’s my ability to deduce that is in error.

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Because you believe “the science” and not faith

Happy you are at ease. :slight_smile:

This web site is pretty much dedicated to the proposition that those two things aren’t preclusive of each other as so many have been led to believe.