To what extent should we care about YEC beliefs in the USA?

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I came across the cartoon above while reading my favorite webcomic, xkcd. In the cartoon, a professor and (presumably) her student discuss the beliefs of a YEC man. The professor seems unconcerned with the man’s beliefs, until the punch line occurs and it turns out the man is a senator in which case there is reason for concern about his beliefs.

In regards to YECs, I generally have a similar opinion about there beliefs as the professor in the cartoon. I don’t care that much about what they believe so much as they respect my beliefs as well. I think this is a gracious biblical way to approach things, but to what extent should this rhetoric be used? Should the beliefs in origins of a US senator be a concern? What about the beliefs of a leading scientist? A president? The guy next to you on the subway?

What are your thoughts on this? When should we start really caring about the personal beliefs of others? Obviously discussion can be good under any circumstance, but when would you say someone’s beliefs on origins become relavent? Interested to hear your thoughts.

When their beliefs harm or have the potential to harm other people. For example, refusing medical treatment for a child, not having your children vaccinated, that sort of thing.


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