He published hundreds of books or something.
Testified at the Arkansas Balanced Treatment Trial of 1981. Said something I cannot remember from Ronald Numbers work about God and UFOs.
Influential very much so at Dallas Theological Seminary, Campus Crusade, and the General evangelical world
Affiliated with Probe Ministries here in Dallas, with which he said something at my old church about Darwin and Hitler and Wake Forest Biology people walked out
Mentor to Ravi Zacharias, who did his eulogy.
Known as Stormin Norman within Campus Crusade.
Used lists and lists of bullet points and long quotations on his powerpoints to attempt to blast apart counter arguments
No wonder the Wake biology people walked,no wonder Gen Z is walking away.
Can Ravi be rehabilitated before he dies too?
The ID camp Geisler embraced has obliterated one relationship after another as it has marched nationwide, from Baylor to NC where the Probe incident happened.
I am sitting at Watermark church which uses Geisler’s book I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be An Atheist with Gen Z
Maybe the Geisler thing cannot be stopped, this intense culture war against the university
Probe has a ministry at the University of Texas at Dallas called Reasonable Faith and reaches hundred of undergrads through a ministry called FOCUS
Maybe the Geisler thing cannot be stopped.,
But Geisler forgot to listen to his audience or lived an echo chamber. It seems to me.
And Gen Z continues to walk as it follows professors instead of pastors who follow Geisler’s war with professors.
What exactly is to be done here at the epicenter of national creationism in Dallas?
I found out about Geisler’s death through his opponents, the National Center for Science Education