O quanto a Evolução é confiável?

A Paz do Senhor! Sou o Caio, sou da Igreja Batista Betel, sou do Brasil, e conheci a BioLogos através do livro “A Linguagem de Deus” do Francis Collins que foi traduzido pra português brasileiro, estou num momento da minha vida de muita crítica quanto a tudo, e Gênesis 1 foi um dos alvos. Enfim tenho alguma duvidas quanto a veracidade da teoria da evolução, queria que me dessem confiança com provas quanto a isso e me respondessem, se possível com evidências, as seguintes perguntas:

  1. Oque seria a queda do homem se Gênesis 1 não é literal?

  2. Sobre a idade da terra… se fosse tão velha, o índice de Níquel e Iridio seria abundante na terra, pois haveria transcorrido varias chuvas de meteoros, hoje podemos saber quantos meteoros caem por unidade de tempo e quantos por cento desses corpos celestes possuem de Níquel e Iridio, fazendo os cálculos, se a terra fosse de 4,5 bilhões de anos, teria uma abundância desses metais, e esses metais são raros…

  3. Sabemos que a força do campo magnético da terra é dividido pela metade a cada 1400 anos… Voltando no tempo… em 10.000 a.c a terra teria que ser uma estrela magnética, pela grande força que ela teria em seu campo magnético, como poderia sustentar vida? vemos a solução da inversão, a cada 140 mil anos (se não me engano), para isso, mas para o polo ser invertido, a terra teria que parar, já que é um dipolo, e parando abruptamente, os oceanos iriam invadir a terra de tal forma que registro geológicos seria presentes hoje em dia! mas não tem! e se fosse reduzido lentamente a sua rotação, no mínimo 10 % da velocidade, um lado seria congelado o outro seria queimado, como isso pode sustentar um processo de evolução da vida?

  4. Também sobre o tempo geológico da terra… sabemos que o sol encolhe 1 metro e 52 centímetros por hora, se voltarmos no tempo, em 100.000.000 a.c o diâmetro do sol seria tão grande que engoliria os planetas… como pode sustentar vida em evolução? levando em consideração que a vida surgiu em, mais ou menos, 3,5 bilhões de anos?

  5. Poeiras cósmicas caem tantas tonelada na lua por unidade de tempo (que não me lembro agora), em 1969 a NASA achou que, dado a idade da lua, haveria 300 metros de poeira na lua, tanto que Neil Armstrong testa com seus pés antes de sair da escada, mas havia apenas 10 centímetros de poeira… podemos ver isso no vídeo da chegada na lua…

  6. Não há fosseis transicionais oficialmente encontrados…

  7. Método potássio-argônio datou rochas vulcânicas, em milhões de anos, que haviam sido formadas a 200 anos em um erupção conhecida;

  8. como que um evolução pode transformar vida unicelular, no período pré-cambriano em vida pluricelular, no período cambriano?

  9. houve um erro na experiência de Miller… a experiência de simular a atmosfera primordial gerou 85% de alcatrão, que é tóxico a vida, 13% de ácidos monocarboxílicos, que também é tóxico a vida, e apenas 2% de aminoácidos, que só eram aminoácidos destros, ou seja não poderia ter multiplicação celular com essa mistura racêmica, e nenhum desses aminoácidos eram bases do DNA( Arginina, Lisina e histidina).

Por favor! me ajudem com essa dúvida! agradeço a atenção! Deus abençoe!

My Portuguese skills are essentially non-existent, so I used an on-line translator (https://www.freetranslation.com/en/translate-english-portuguese) to do this for me:

The peace of the Lord! I am the Gaius, I am of the Baptist Church Bethel, i am from Brazil, and i met the BioLogos through the book “The Language of God” of Francis Collins who was translated to Brazilian Portuguese, I am in a moment of my life of much criticism for everything, and Genesis 1 was one of the targets. I have some doubts about the veracity of the theory of evolution, wanted gave me confidence with evidence as to this and a definitive answer, if possible with evidence, the following questions:

What would be the fall of man if Genesis 1 is not literally?

On the age of the earth… if it were so old, the index of nickel and Iridio was abundant in the earth, because there would be spent several meteor showers, today we can see how many meteors fall per unit of time and how many per cent of these heavenly bodies have Nickel and Iridio, doing the calculations, if the earth were of 4.5 billion years, would have an abundance of these metals, and these metals are rare…

We know that the strength of the magnetic field of the earth is divided by half every 1400 years… Going back in time… in 10,000 BC the land would have to be a star imaging, by the great strength that she had in its magnetic field, as could sustain life? We see the solution of inversion, every 140 thousand years (if I am not mistaken), for this reason, but for the polo be reversed, the earth would have to stop, since it is a dipole, and stopping abruptly, the oceans will invade the earth in such a way that record would be geological present today! But it doesn’t have! And if it was reduced slowly to its rotation, at least 10 % of the speed, one side would be frozen the other would be burned, as this can support a process of evolution of life?

Also on the geologic timescale of the earth… we know that the sun shrinks 1 meter and 52 centimeters per hour, if we go back in time, in 100,000,000 bc the diameter of the sun would be so great that engoliria the planets… how can sustain life in evolution? Taking into consideration that life arose in, more or less, 3.5 billion years?

Cosmic dust fall many tonne on the moon per unit of time (which i don’t remember now), in 1969 NASA found that, given the age of the moon, there would be 300 meters of dust on the moon, so much so that Neil Armstrong forehead with his feet before leaving the ladder, but there were only 10 centimeters of dust… we can see this in the video of the arrival on the moon…

There is no transitional fossils officially found…

Method potassium-argon dated volcanic rocks, in millions of years, which had been formed 200 years in an eruption known;

As an evolution can transform life, unicellular in pre-Cambrian in life pluricelular, in Cambrian period?

There was an error in the experience of Miller… the experience of simulating the primordial atmosphere generated 85% of tar, which is toxic to life, 13% of monocarboxylic acids, which also is toxic to life, and only 2% of amino acids, which were only amino acids are left-handed, i.e. could not have cell multiplication with the racemic mixture, and none of these amino acids were bases of DNA( Arginine, lysine and histidine).

Please! Help me with this question! Thank you for your attention! God bless you!

Yes! Exactly! I said it!


Okay, most of these though are not related to evolution at all, but other disciplines of science. The claims that you make are quite common and are reused a lot on young earth creationists website, despite having no basis in reality. I apologize for the words that might seem harsh, and you are not at all at fault but the leaders of these movements have been tricking Christians for far too long.

More generally, there are lots of evidences against a recent creation as outlined here:

In general, another website addresses most of the claims made by young earth creationists. If you scroll down on this link, you will find the majority of your questions addressed like that the magnetic field is only 10,000 years old, the trickery of the shrinking sun, the myth of the cosmic dust, etc.

Here’s a nice video showing pictures of all the transition fossils (note: you have been lied to… there are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them):

I’m sure some others have some good thoughts to add as well, but perhaps this will get you started. Blessings to you on your quest for truth!

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Here’s something that will no doubt shock you (it certainly shocked me): Answers in Genesis are now claiming that young-earth creationism predicts the existence of transitional fossils. This is surprising because “there are no transitional fossils” is one of the oldest anti-evolution arguments in the book, as well as one of the most persistent. Up until now, they’ve even denied that the various australopithecines, Archaeopteryx, and Tiktaalik roseae are transitional fossils, even though they sure look like them…

Ultimately, how the story of Adam and Eve and the Fall ties in with evolutionary theories is a matter of speculation, and we probably will never know the answer. However, that’s okay — as Christians, we sometimes need to have the humility to admit that there are certain things we don’t know and probably never will know either, rather than just making things up. But having said that, there are possible scenarios in which Adam and Eve could have been real, historical people, the Fall could have been a real, historical event, and the Garden of Eden could have been a real, historical place. There was a blog post here not long ago outlining some of the possibilities.

Muito Obrigado! Deus te abençoe meu irmão em Cristo! que a Verdade esteja a seu favor!

Jonathan Simões Freitas presented at the BioLogos conference on the work of Cristaos na Ciencia in Brazil. (No escribo el portugués, pero en caso de que usted lea el español mejor que el inglés, Jonathan Simões Freitas presentó un trabajo en la conferencia de BioLogos sobre la obra de Cristaos na Ciencia en Brasil.) http://www.cristaosnaciencia.org.br/

Here is a blog post in Portuguese where he talks about his participation in the BioLogos conference. Maybe it will lead you to other helpful links. (Aquí está un artículo de su blog en dónde habla de su participación en la conferencia. Tal vez le ayudaría encontrar otros enlaces útiles.)

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