My struggle with faith and doubt as a Christian (centered around evolution)

I skimmed different chapters of the book. We don’t have much in common. The only thing I had to deconstruct was the extreme liberalism without religion in which I was raised, realizing that the ultimate end of skepticism was to apply it to skepticism itself. The criticisms of the Christian establishment on which I was raised were not deconstructed because it was all accurate, and thus I can still criticize this better than most atheists. So I pretty much started with the scientific worldview including psychology since both of my parents were psychology majors in college. Nevertheless I was determined to figure out for myself what all this God stuff was about. And I found a key to this from an equivalence between an existentialist faith that life is worth living and the theist faith in God. That start eventually led to a surprisingly orthodox Christian faith (non-universalist Trinitarian anyway, reading most stories in the Bible as historical if not always strictly literal). But since I constructed this pretty much on my own I do have my own unique view of a number of theological issues.

But since I started with a scientific worldview that was part of the filter through which I read the Bible and thus creationism or anything else contrary to the scientific worldview was never on the table for me. The question for me was always whether Christianity had any value taking the scientific worldview as a given. And here are my reasons for belief in the spiritual side of things. And this is what I saw in Christianity in particular.