Mathematics: The Hand of GOD in --Evolutionary-- Creation!

Luke 17:17-18
Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?”

By my calculations 10 - 9 = 1, as in “except this foreigner” singular, one. Don’t know how you can twist this to 19. But I am sure you can come up with something.

Hi Absolute,

You seem to be unaware of the fact that chapter and verse numbers are not in the original Greek and Hebrew manuscripts. They were only added later–much later! The first 1500 years of Christianity were devoid of chapter-and-verse numbers.

Grace and peace,
Chris Falter


dear friend Pevaquark, they are Priceless MIRACLES based on Mathematic/Arithmetic Clear and Perfect Methodology --(*I believe all such Mathematic/Arithmetic Principles are also Created and Taught to Humans by GOD, from the very Beginning; so I believe Mathematics is not an invention but rather an awesome Discovery, first of all),

and no one can Never create a Similar MESSAGE with such Priceless MIRACLES Embedded in it.
Because it is not man made, it is Absolutely from Heaven, only GOD can Create
such a Most Superb and Matchless Excellent MESSAGE for all Humanity, for/in this Final Age now.

If anyone on this earth or in heaven --individually or collectively-- want to challenge this Claim let them do it.
All Priceless MIRACLES have already been Presented in a most clear, straightforward and open manner, in that Site referred to in my user profile above (*in FORUM section, clicking at the top of the home page therein.

I believe I have already clearly addressed all your other arguments and objections, in my previous post above; and tried to clearly point out why they cannot be taken seriously, in no way, at all.
Because everyone even with a most elementary Mathematic/Arithmetic understanding would instantly, clearly and unmistakably see the Huge Difference between those kind of simple & worthless numerology cited in your examples and those Perfect & Priceless MIRACLES referred to in my previous post above.
It may be as clear as the Huge Difference between the “scattered pieces of worthless glass” and the “Well-Formed and Well-Preserved Priceless DIAMONDS.”

So I sincerely and wholeheartedly recommend you, dear friend Pevaquark, to take it more/most Seriously, and please, take your time and deeply and truly Reflect on each and every of those Priceless MIRACLES, first of all.

dear friend Chris, considering these most essential Statements of Jesus here:

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets;
I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot,
will pass from the Law until all is Accomplished!

Because even the hairs of your heads are all Counted!

(Matthew 5/17-18 & 10/30)

So I believe, we should first of all clearly see here the Fact that

all shall be Accomplished exclusively in this Last and Third “Day” (=“Millennium;” because “1 Day = 1000 Years” in the Sight of GOD =Psalms 90/4)–

as Jesus clearly foretold it here, from the beginning (=John 6, 40-46).

So our GOD Who has Perfectly Counted even all hairs on our heads
would also Absolutely and Unmistakably Count
each and every Chapter and Verse Numbers,
and Letters and even Dots in HIS WORD, First of All,

and then Perfectly Teach it to humans how to correctly count it therein, --(no matter how many years later it has been done)–
that all things could be Accomplished in this most specific Respect above,
in this Final Age now,
as Jesus clearly emphasized it above, and absolutely foretold it especially and also in these other Verses here (=Matthew 21/42-43-44 = John 6/40-46).

And our GOD has Perfectly Made all HIS Counting
essentially and always based on this number “19” (=i.e. perfect Gematrical value of the Word: “ONE” in Hebrew & in Arabic above)
to clearly and unmistakably show HIS Absolute Existence and ONENESS
to the whole World in this Final Age now.

And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another,
and seeing that he answered them well, asked him,
“Which commandment is the most important of all?”

Jesus answered: The most important is,

"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our GOD, The Lord is ONE!

(Mark 12/28-29)

In this respect, we should absolutely Witness here
how Prophet David clearly Referred to this Greatest SECRET (=i.e. Code “19”) in the PSALMS (Chapter No. 25, Verse No. 14 therein)

that would bring Eternal Salvation of GOD,
Prosperity and Happiness, in this World and in the Hereafter,
to All who would Rightfully pursue it in this Final Age now. (=PSALMS 25/11-14)

We should clearly Witness the Fulfillment of this Wonderful Prophecy of David,
in that Site referred to in my user profile above. (please, click “FORUM” at the top of the home page therein and scroll down and we can clearly see
in this Respect therein now.)

With Peace and Blessings.

Would you be so kind as to provide what the methodology is exactly.

Also, why should we, Christians for the most part, have any interest in what the quran says?

dear friend Bill_II, I believe all Evolution of the Universe (Big bang & Cosmic Evolution) and of all Living-beings thereafter (Biological Evolution) have been Initiated by GOD, in the very Beginning, based on Perfect Numbers (=i.e. Fine-Tuned Universal Constants, Fundamental Forces) and thus proceeds at every moment under HIS Full Control and Governing.
Nothing is random or coincidence here, in this Regard, because Everything has been Created based on such a Fine-Tuned Perfect Design (based on Number “19” due to that Most Essential Reason clearly pointed out in my previous post above).

But this does not mean that everything had to proceed absolutely in favor of Humans, in every aspect here,
because due to this original Sin committed by Humans here (Genesis 3/16-20),
we have also to deal with “thorns and thistles” in many issues in this Life (=Genesis 3/18) to be absolutely Tested and finally be Perfectly Blessed by GOD at the very end of our Journey here. (Deuteronomy 8/2-3)

So even the Precise Distances to the Sun and to the Moon are Excellently Designed by GOD to make Life perfectly possible for us and for all other living-beings here, from the very Beginning.

(*We can clearly see it in
AWESOME MIRACLE in the “Sun” and the “Moon” document,
in that Site referred to in my user profile above (*please, click “UNIVERSAL” at the top of the home page therein and you can clearly see it therein now.)

But again this does not mean that Humans would be absolutely happy in every season, in every way, in this Life here.
Because due to this original Sin committed by Humans here again (Genesis 3/16-20),
we have also always to deal with “sweat” in our faces in this Life (Genesis 3/19)
to be absolutely Tested and finally be Perfectly Blessed by GOD at the very end of our Journey here again. (Deuteronomy 8/2-3)

In such Prophetic Wisdom, the Prophet addresses the obvious issue therein, at hand, first of all, perfectly,
and then if we carefully reflect on how he (exclusively) worded it therein, we can immediately understand that there is also a “Hidden Wisdom” in it perfectly addresses another Issue --(in most cases which may be even much more Important than the obvious Issue therein).

So bearing this in mind, let us give ear again to what Jesus says
and how he says it in such an exclusive manner therein:

(now I will focus only on the “Hidden Wisdom” aspect of it) here thus:

And Jesus answered and said:
Were not the “10” (=i.e. number “10”) cleansed, and the “9” (=i.e. number “9”) — where (is it) (=i.e. because it should be cleansed too together with that “10”),

(Luke 17/17)

so that we can clearly Witness that cleansed - holy number together as:

10 + 9 = “19”

in this Final Age now,
as Jesus clearly foretold it here (John 6/40-46 = Matthew 10/26-30)

And we can also proceed in that other perfectly logical way,
as you clearly pointed out above, dear friend Bill_II,
legitimately and perfectly, again, here also thus:

And Jesus answered and said:
Were not the “10” (=i.e. “10” people) cleansed, and the “9” (=i.e. “9” people) — where (are they) (=i.e. because they should have come that
this “1” Man who returned and those “9” Men who did not would come together,

thus to show us that cleansed - holy number together as:

“1” “9” = “19”

perfectly also thus, in this Final Age now, again here (John 6/40-46 = Matthew 10/26-30).

Because the word: Vahad (=ONE) in hebrew, or Wahid (=ONE) in arabic
has a perfect Gematrical value: “19”

GOD has thus Precisely Counted and Excellently Designed
HIS Book of Universe and HIS Book of Religion
essentially based on this number “19” (=i.e. perfect Gematrical value of the Word: “ONE” above)
to clearly and unmistakably show HIS Absolute Existence and ONENESS to the whole World in this Final Age now.

And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another,
and seeing that he answered them well, asked him,
“Which commandment is the most important of all?”

Jesus answered: The most important is,

"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, The LORD is ONE!

(Mark 12/28-29)

Jesus thus clearly and unmistakably refers us
exactly to “Deuteronomy 6/4” above, now here:

Hear, O Israel: “The LORD our God, The LORD is ONE!”
(in Hebrew: "Shima Yisra El, YHWH Elohenu, YHWH EHAD!

the Most Critical and Essential Part of this Greatest Statement above:
El, YHWH Elohenu, YHWH EHAD!”
(in English: God, The LORD our God, The LORD is ONE!)

consists of exactly 5 words (in Hebrew); which means:

Words No. 5 4 3 2 1 = **“19”**x…

also consists of exactly 19 letters (in Hebrew), which again unmistakably is:

Letters No. 19 18 17 … 3 2 1 = **“19”**x…

Thus in each and every such “most Critical and Essential Referral or Statement” of Jesus in Gospel
there is this Hidden Wisdom (=i.e. Code “19”) Perfectly and Excellently Embedded into it, due to that Most Essential Reason (=i.e. to clearly emphasize the “Absolute Existence and ONENESS of GOD,” by HIS honorable Servant and Messenger Jesus Christ) to all Humanity, for/in this Final Age now, as clearly pointed out above. (=Mark 12/28-29)

We can clearly Witness this Fact in this Final Age now
in that Site referred to in my user profile above (*please, click “BIBLICAL” at the top of the home page therein and you can clearly see it in
for/in this Final Age, therein now.)

With Peace and Blessings.

OK… Let’s actually try this with some real numbers. And this will be my last try (forever perhaps). Let’s take the speed of light. Now we know that is approximately 3.0 x 10^8 m/s ( or you could actually go and choose many different units… If it’s a perfect number you have to wonder which unit system God was at originally thinking in). Now the speed of light is actually dependent on the permitivity And permeability of free space which makes sense as light is made up of electromagnetic waves. Now both of those have certain values depending on the units and the electromagnetic force must be tuned to a certain amount to allow atoms to form. However, there is a range which can work which is not absolute which to me shows that ‘mathematical perfection’ is a bunch of bologna.

For anyone interested in what all of this means you can go to The Mysterious 19 in the Quran to read where this comes from. It reminds me of The Bible Code.


dear friend Pevaquark, congratulations :thumbsup:,
you have picked one of the most Significant and absolutely Miraculous one among all universal constants. :dart:

May GOD bless all of us Greatly,

The speed of light in vacuum, commonly denoted c, is a universal physical constant
fundamentally important in many areas of physics.
Its exact value is 299,792,458 metres per second;
it is exact because the unit of length, the metre, is defined from this constant and the international standard for time.

According to special relativity, c is the maximum speed at which all conventional matter and hence all known forms of information in the universe can travel.
It is the speed at which all massless particles and changes of the associated fields (including light, a type of electromagnetic radiation, and gravitational waves) travel in vacuum.
Such particles and waves travel at c
regardless of the motion of the source or the inertial reference frame of the observer.

In the theory of relativity, c interrelates space and time, and also appears in the famous equation of mass–energy equivalence E = mc2.

In Hebrew: The Light (=Ha-Oowr)
gematrical value: 212
In Arabic: The Light (=Al-Noor)
gematrical value: 287

Ha-Oowr (=Light) _ Al-Noor (=Light)

= 212 _ 287 = 19x…

or we can write both of them also
in such specific elaborate manner
also here again:

= 200 10 02 _ 200 80 07 = 19x…

and then

Speed of Light _ Speed of Light

= 299792458 _ 299792458 = 19x…

and then again perfectly and finally

Ha-Oowr _ Speed of Light _ Speed of Light _ Al-Noor

= 212 _ 299792458 _ 299792458 _ 287 = 19x…

or we can write both of them also
in such specific elaborate manner
also here again:

= 200 10 02 _ 299792458 _ 299792458 _ 200 80 07 = 19x…

Because the “Light” in The Scripture

(which has been Granted unto Abraham’s honorable Descendants
(=Moses and Jesus, first of all) in Hebrew (=TORAH and GOSPEL)
and Ishmael’s honorable Descendant
=(Muhammad, first of all) in Arabic (=QURAN),
as clearly foretold in Genesis from the very beginning here: 21/11-21)

thus refers to Spiritual “Light,” and also to Universal/Natural “Light” (=e.g. Sunlight, Daylight, etc.) therein, in this Respect above,

therefore it is thus Perfectly Coded with number “19” (=i.e. perfect Gematrical value of the Word: “ONE” in Hebrew & in Arabic above)
here Again, to clearly and unmistakably show
the “Absolute Existence and ONENESS of GOD,”
to the whole World, in this Final Age now.

*We can clearly witness it, in its Entirety, in this

"Most Precise SPEED of LIGHT Miracle" document

in that Site referred to in my user profile above (*please, click “FORUM” at the top of the home page therein and scroll down a little bit and you can clearly see it therein now.)

With Peace and Blessings.

dear friend Bill_II, though I already know about Rashad Khalifa’s Works on Code “19” and truly appreciate a few of his Essential Discoveries in this respect in The Scripture, I do not accept the most/bulk of his Work because of baseless and worthless numerology therein.
(*They are very akin to those simple and worthless numerology seen in dear friend Pevaquark’s posts above.)

So, the Perfect and Priceless MIRACLES based on Code “19”
which Essentially always comes in “Perfect Symmetry”
–(*you cannot see this in none of Dr. Khalifa’s or anyone else’s works,
because they are the Real, Most Authentic and Excellent MIRACLES Sent from Heaven,
for the Eternal Salvation of Humanity, in this Final Age now)–
have already been Presented in a most clear, straightforward and open manner,
in that Site referred to in my user profile above.

Those who have (even) a most basic and elementary Mathematic/Arithmetic understanding
can instantly, clearly and unmistakably see the Huge Difference between
those kind of simple & worthless numerology in such examples mentioned above,
and those Perfect & Priceless --Symmetrical-- MIRACLES referred to here.

And these Perfect and Priceless MIRACLES based on Code “19”
which Essentially always comes in “Perfect Symmetry”
clearly and unmistakably Proves the Absolute Heavenly Origin and Authenticity of


We can clearly Witness this Fact in this Final Age now
in that Site referred to in my user profile above (*please, click “BIBLICAL” at the top of the home page therein and you can clearly see it, in their Entirety, therein.

Because Jesus Christ has already clearly and unmistakably Foretold about it here:

Jesus said to them:
Have you never read in The Scriptures,

The “STONE” that the builders despised (=i.e. Jews always despised Ishmael and the “QURAN” which was Granted unto his Prophetic line therein, due to this incident here, in the very beginning: Genesis 21/8-14, 15-21) has become the “CORNERSTONE” --(for/in this Final Age now, as we shall clearly see it in the following Verses below).

This is The LORD’s Doing, and it is Marvelous in our eyes!

Therefore I tell you, the Kingdom of GOD will be taken away from you (=i.e. Jews who would act arrogantly) and given to a People producing its Fruits --(for/in this Final Age here again now, as we shall clearly see it in the following Verses below).

Jesus said to them:
Because no one can come to me unless The LORD Who Sent me Draws him/her.
And I will raise It up on the Last --and Third– “Day” (=“Millennium;”
because “1 Day = 1000 Years” in the Sight of GOD =Psalms 90/4)–

It is written in the Prophets:
And they shall All be Perfectly-Taught by GOD (=i.e. by that “STONE” already Referred to in those most essential Verses above).

So, everyone who has heard and learned from The LORD (therein) will come to me! (=i.e. because it is an Absolute Commandment of The LORD unto all Humanity to firmly believe in and absolutely hearken to the “Words of Jesus Christ” in Gospel. Those who fail to do this would let themselves remain in eternal doom and darkness.)

(Matthew 21/42-44 = John 6/44-46)

We can clearly witness it in this Final Age now
in that Site referred to in my user profile above (*please, click “BIBLICAL” at the top of the home page therein and you can clearly see it in
for/in this Final Age, in its Entirety, therein now.)

With Peace and Blessings.

No not really. As with most people that don’t understand physics. you confuse how a unit is measured with how it is defined.

The meter was initially defined as a pendulum with a period of one second. Since gravity varies over the surface of the earth it was decided to define a meter as one ten-millionth of the distance between the North Pole and the Equator. The number is basically meaningless . How you torture that number into 19 is completely unclear.What do you do with the speed of light of 186,282 miles/hr?

Or my favorite 666 foggles/whatsits. A perfectly valid number given the proper definition of units.

Sorry but there is nothing in the OT or NT that refers to the quran.

The stone the Jews were rejecting was the Messiah, or The Christ.

1 Like

This has to be one of the most bizarre threads in the history of BioLogos forums.


It ranks up there with the “time does not exist” thread.

I have already mentioned The Bible Code, but I just remembered the prophecies of Nostradamus. They can likewise be twisted to show just about anything.


There is a high correlation between highly formatted posts and woo. Don’t know why that is, but it exists nonetheless.

Haha. That is true. I’ll have to be more careful with my own formatting. Don’t want to give the wrong impression. Or, maybe I’m giving the right impression, even though I wrongly believe it is the wrong impression.

Hmmm. That’s a little unclear. Maybe if I bolded and italicized a few random words …

You couldn’t even have known this just 35 years ago when the length of a meter was defined exactly! If you were doing this 40 years ago, you wouldn’t have a defined fixed speed of light and been able to wow us with your knowledge. But hold on to your hats… it turns out that this gets even more amazing!

The Hebrew Scriptures do not actually use SI units, but instead we should be the speed of light in cubits per hour (since the Scriptures do not mention the time period of a second or minute but instead hours)… and the result is…

2,360,570,535,433 cubits per hour! Don’t recognize this number yet?

Turns out that PRIME factoring gives you 3 x 3 x 5 x 47 x 47 x 23,747.

Recognize this number yet?

It takes a 747 jet exactly 23 hours to circle around the Earth (=23,747)!

I have to run so will finish this Most Precise MORE ACCURATE miracle based upon Hebrew (=TORAH and GOSPEL) units.


dear friend Bill_II, considering also this essential Fact here, in the first place,
now here:

The metric system is an internationally agreed decimal system of measurement.
It was originally based on the mètre des Archives and the kilogramme des Archives introduced by the French First Republic in 1799,
but over the years the definitions of the meter and the kilogram have been refined, and the metric system has been extended to incorporate many more units.

Although a number of variants of the metric system emerged in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the term is now often used as a synonym for “SI” or the “International System of Units”—the official system of measurement in almost Every Country in the World.

The metric system has been officially sanctioned for use in the United States since 1866,
but the U.S. remains the only industrialized Country that has not fully adopted the metric system as its official system of measurement (although, in 1988, the United States Congress passed the Omnibus Foreign Trade and Competitiveness Act, which designates “the metric system of measurement as the preferred system of weights and measures for U.S. trade and commerce”). Among many other things, the act requires federal agencies to use metric measurements in nearly all of their activities, although there are still some exceptions allowing traditional linear units to be used in documents intended for consumers.

https: // Metric system - Wikipedia

So, first of all, I believe GOD is the ONE Who created Metric system (and all other Mathematic/Arithmetic principles and systems as well), from the very Beginning, and thus Perfectly Taught it to Humans how to define, recognize and use them properly in their lives, Worldwide, in this Final Age now.

So this most precise “Speed of Light” in this respect here:

299,792,458 “meters” per second

is not a meaningless number for me,
but it is a most meaningful and fundamental Number,
which I always take into account (this, and “universal metric system” as a whole) Primarily in almost each and every Code “19” research, in this Respect above,

but of course, I believe we may also proceed, Secondarily, with

186,282 “miles” per second

in this respect above, because GOD (The Creator of all Mathematic/Arithmetic principles and systems, from the very Beginning) is Absolutely CAPABLE of Creating Miraculous Code “19,” in more than one or/and all rightful and legitimate systems), from the very Beginning.
But because of the Reason I clearly pointed out above, I always go Primarily with universal metric system (=i.e. “SI” or the “International System of Units”) in this respect above.

Please, absolutely see these latest Two Documents here:

Magnificent MIRACLE in the Precise Distances to the Sun and the Moon.

Magnificent MIRACLE in the Precise Distances to the 7 Main Planets.
(http: // www . 19covenant19 . com / mucize2 . html)

which also clearly and unmistakably confirms the Fact that Cosmic Evolutionary Creation Miracle (=i.e. Big bang) was not a randomly occurred Chance process but a Perfectly Designed Creation Process, again, even from the very Beginning.
(*And please, note that all the Precise Distances have been taken into account in universal metric system here again, as rightfully taken from NASA’s official website.)

To me it is perfectly Clear and absolutely Most Miraculous;
so let us see it here Again, in 5 steps,
and please, note the perfect progression and (Logically and Mathematically/Arithmetically) absolute coherence/consistency
in each and every step here:

First of all,

In Hebrew: The Light (=Ha-Oowr)
gematrical value: 212
In Arabic: The Light (=Al-Noor)
gematrical value: 287

(Because GOD Sent Down The Scripture
Essentially in Hebrew and in Arabic
due to HIS Clear Promise from the very Beginning here (=Genesis 21/12-21),
as clearly pointed out in my previous posts above,

and HE used this most specific term: “Light”
to refer to Spiritual and also and especially to Universal/Natural “Light” therein,
in both of them)


Step 1

Ha-Oowr (=Light) _ Al-Noor (=Light)

= 212 _ 287 = **“19”**x…

Step 2
or we can write both of them also
in such specific elaborate manner
also here again:

= 200 10 02 _ 200 80 07 = **“19”**x…

and then, Step 3

Speed of Light _ Speed of Light

= 299792458 _ 299792458 = **“19”**x…

and then, Step 4

Ha-Oowr _ Speed of Light _ Speed of Light _ Al-Noor

= 212 _ 299792458 _ 299792458 _ 287 = **“19”**x…

and finally, Step 5
or we can write both of them also
in such specific elaborate manner
also here again:

Ha-Oowr _ Speed of Light _ Speed of Light _ Al-Noor

= 200 10 02 _ 299792458 _ 299792458 _ 200 80 07 = **“19”**x…

*Please, take your time and reflect thoroughly and carefully for/in each step above;
and clearly see the (Logical and Mathematic/Arithmetic) absolute coherence/consistency
in each and every step above.

dear friend Bill_II, first of all, we should absolutely know that
our honorable Father/Ancestor Abraham had two Sons,

=i.e. Isaac, the honorable Father/Ancestor of all Israelis,
=i.e. Ishmael, the honorable Father/Ancestor of all Arabians,

(Hebrew and Arabic alphabet and language are so similar almost like “twin-brothers” because they thus originated, and evolved, from the same Source (=i.e. Father Abraham) above, from the beginning.)

And GOD Promised unto Abraham to make him the honorable Father/Ancestor of All, a Great Nation through his Sons:

=Isaac (i.e. by Granting unto his Prophetic line: TORAH and GOSPEL)
=Ishmael (i.e. by Granting unto his Prophetic line: QURAN),

as it is clearly and unmistakably Indicated from the very Beginning, here (Genesis 21/8-18).

Therefore, what Jesus Christ (in such an exclusive manner) emphasized here:

Today Salvation did come to this house,
because he also is a “Son” of “Abraham”! (=Luke 19/9)

thus also and especially to make us recall Ishmael who is clearly Foretold in such a similar manner, from the very Beginning, here:

GOD said:
As to the Son of the handmaid (=Ishmael), I will make him a Great Nation
because he (also) is a “Seed” of You (O “Abraham”)! (=Genesis 21/13)

Because Jesus Christ was already well aware of the Fact that
GOD would never forget Ishmael and would absolutely Make him a Great Nation also
(i.e. by Granting unto his Prophetic line: QURAN),
due to HIS Clear Promise, from the very Beginning, therein (=Genesis 21/13),

so Jesus Christ then also clearly and unmistakably Prophesied here:

Have you never read in The Scriptures,

The “STONE” that the builders despised (=i.e. because Jews despised Ishmael and the “QURAN” which was Granted unto his Prophetic line therein, due to this incident here, in the very beginning: Genesis 21/8-14, 15-21) has become the “CORNERSTONE” --(for/in this Final Age now, as it is clearly Emphasized by Jesus Christ again here: John 6/44-46).

This is The LORD’s Doing, and it is Amazing/Marvelous in our eyes! (=Matthew 21/42-44)


It is absolutely Amazing/Marvelous because only GOD can Do this (=i.e. HE can Take that STONE = “QURAN” which was sent in “Arabic Most Miraculous Literary Composition” to Children of Ishmael (=i.e. Arabs living in Arabia) that they may rightfully Observe it in its perfectly Regional/Local language and rightful interpretation for them therein

and Make it the CORNERSTONE in “Arabic Most Miraculous Mathematic/Scientific Composition” for/in this Final Age now,
that every Nation (=i.e. Jews, Christians and Arabs, and all Others) Must hearken to this CORNERSTONE in its Universal/Global language and rightful interpretation for all the Nations of the World, for their Eternal Salvation and Happiness herein, in this Final Age now.

And for this Reason, Jesus Christ also clearly and unmistakably Emphasizes this,
at the very end of his most Essential Prophecy above:

And the one who falls on this STONE (=i.e. “QURAN” above) will be broken to pieces (=i.e. not his self/soul/body but only his arguments that he put forth against the Absolute Existence and ONENESS of GOD will thus –peacefully, and all in intellectual sense-- will thus utterly be Refuted),

and when it falls on anyone, “It” (=i.e. that “STONE” again above) will crush him (=i.e. again not his self/soul/body but exclusively and only his arguments that he put forth against the Absolute Existence and ONENESS of GOD will thus –peacefully, and all in intellectual sense here Again-- will thus utterly be Refuted, in this Final Age now.)

(Gospel, Matthew 21/42-43-44 = John 6/44-45-46


And then again, also and especially for this Reason, Jesus Christ has also clearly and unmistakably Emphasized it here:

If anyone hears my Words and does not keep them, I do not judge him;
for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world.
The one who rejects me and does not receive my Words has a judge;
the Word that I have spoken will judge him on the Last --and Third-- “Day” (=i.e. in this Last and --Third-- “Millennium” now;
because “1 Day = 1000 Years” in the Sight of GOD =Psalms 90/4)–

For I have not spoken on my own authority, but The LORD Who Sent me has HIMSELF Given me a Commandment—what to Say and what to Speak.
And I know that HIS Commandment is Eternal Life.
What I say, therefore, I say as The LORD has Told me.”

John 12/47-50


So every Word (=i.e. especially every “Parable” Jesus Christ gave us in the Gospel with specific Numbers in it (=e.g.

10” coins, … =Luke 15/8,
100” sheep, … =Luke 15/4,
10” servants, … =Luke 19/13, etc.

are not randomly picked numbers, but they are all specifically selected Numbers in which “19” coded MIRACLES are Perfectly Embedded into it

to clearly and unmistakably Prove to us the Fact that
the Words of Jesus Christ are Absolutely of Heavenly Origin, not man made,
as clearly Foretold in the above Verses,

and also and especially thus to clearly and unmistakably Prove to us
the “Absolute Existence and ONENESS of GOD,”
(=i.e. because the Number “19” is the perfect Gematrical value of the Word: “ONE
in Hebrew & in Arabic above)
to the whole World, for/in this Final Age now.

And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another,
and seeing that he answered them well, asked him,
“Which commandment is the most important of all?”

Jesus answered: The most important is,

"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, The LORD is ONE!

(Mark 12/28-29)


We can clearly Witness it in this
The WORDS of JESUS” document,
in its Entirety, therein now.)
(http: // www . 19covenant19 . com/mucize3 . html)

With Peace and Blessings.

Don’t forget He also used Greek and Aramaic.

You must have your own notation system for math. I have never seen the underscore used in this manner. So either define what you mean or rewrite this in the normal system of notation.

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I don’t think we can argue with him at this point, he defended the metric system as if it was the resurrection itself. :sunglasses:

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In the words of Rocky the Flying Squirrel, “Now here’s something you’ll really like!”

(That comes to mind because I learned a lot of the material in this thread during my first year at my alma mater, Whatsamatta U.)

I have never figured out how people who refer to Jesus as the Prophet refuse to believe His own prophecy of His death, burial, and resurrection.