A post was merged into an existing topic: Randomness vs. God’s interventions?
Hi Al, I liked your post and I am adding the book to my Amazon queue. Perhaps I will have some further comments after I have read it. Thanks for posting!
@aleo, I thought your topic was well worth raising. However, I would recommend not being too surprised that it hasn’t gained a lot of reader traction yet. The Biologos forum is still building a constituency, little by little, but at the moment, the traffic is not so large that every topic has a large following. I know that in my case I just drop in here now and then and look around before returning to my work (even in what is allegedly a more casual retirement lifestyle.) I don’t systematically review the topics and I miss a lot. So I think it is partly a numbers issue and partly a matter of a not yet fully diverse readership like one finds at some of the older website forums.
If I were going to categorize the PRIMARY objections of Evangelicals… my informal and intuitive listing (which may have no connection with reality) would be these three in order of importance:
Evangelicals want to blame an imperfect universe on Adam;
Evangelicals don’t see a difference between the story of Eden and the story of Noah’s Ark.
If the New Testament mentions Adam and Noah, then it HAS to be true.
Anyone else want to list the top 3 Evangelical objections?
Evangelicals want the Bible to be taken literally, except where they don’t take the Bible literally.
Nobody takes all of the Bible literally. Christians disagree on where that line is…
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