Invasion of the SpamBots

As many of you have noticed, the Forum has been targeted with SpamBot attacks for the last two days.

For this reason, all new user accounts will need to be approved personally by one of the moderators until we can get a handle on the spam accounts. If you are an actual human trying to create an account here to participate in the conversation, we are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.


Logging on and encountering “3 new topics” and then “15 new topics” wasn’t so bad, but then “803 new topics” was maddening. I sat a few minutes staring at that and wondering how to block the crap without someone having to review stuff – and failed, or I’d be sharing a better solution!

Thanks for the extra efforts!


Just signed in again and it’s 807 new topics.


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I forgot I get email notices of new posts. I just filtered out 1863 Biologos notifications and kept only 7. Maybe two dozen were really old notifications but most were from the recent deluge.


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